Areté. Vol. 34 Núm. 2 (2022)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado Insistencia y Da-sein. El pensar del Ereignis y la filosofía trascendental(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) Gómez Algarra, CésarThis paper attempts to trace and identify Heidegger’s attacks against transcendental philosophy, as they appear in his posthumous texts of the 1930sand 1940s, that is, the so-called treatises on Ereignis, and in the last volumes of the Gesamtausgabe. I will focus especially on volume 82, published in 2018, which includes a series of Heidegger’s annotations and re-readings concerning his own published work —this volume has not drawn a lot of attention in recent research. This way of proceeding will allow to show the author’s own critiques of his treatise Being and Time, and why he questions it a posteriori as a work of transcendental philosophy. After presenting the critique against all transcendental philosophy and transcendental subjects, it will be possible to describe the other possibility found in these posthumous works: the idea of steadfastness or “standing within” (Inständigkeit) in Being. Finally I will point out some difficulties and limitations implicit within the will to overcome our modern philosophical tradition, as it is shown by the project of a history of Be-ing (Geschichte des Seyns) as another beginning (andere Anfang) of thinking.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Prácticas de la amabilidad: una interpretación del pensamiento de Byung-Chul Han(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) Almeyda, JuanLa presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar los postuladosfilosófico-políticos presentes en la obra de Byung-Chul Han, con el fin de, pormedio de una exégesis de su pensamiento, proponer el concepto de prácticas deamabilidad como un proyecto ético-político, enfocado en desarrollar lo que el autordenomina una “praxis de la demora”, la cual revitalice la vita contemplativa; encontraposición a la racionalidad neoliberal de corte digital que domina la realidaddesde un modelo de sociedad basado en el rendimiento y la competencia. Paraello, se divide el trabajo en tres momentos: primero, se delimita conceptualmentela sociedad del rendimiento; seguidamente, se expone la propuesta de rebelión deHan a partir del concepto de la revolución del tiempo para, finalmente, exponerla propuesta práctica de su idea de subversión sistémica. Todo esto desde unasistematización analítica de su obra, para lo cual se recurre al método documentalbibliográficode investigación.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Sebastian Luft. Meditaciones fenomenológicas y (neo)kantianas. Filosofía trascendental, cultura y teoría de las ciencias. Bogotá: Aula de Humanidades, 2019, 334pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) Alarcón, Vania; Rojas, RicardoReview of Sebastian Luft. Meditaciones fenomenológicas y (neo)kantianas. Filosofíatrascendental, cultura y teoría de las ciencias. Bogotá: Aula de Humanidades,2019, 334pp.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La estética de Kant y el problema del juicio estético en la música(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) Pascual, LucianoThis paper reconstructs the place of music in the division of the arts proposed by Kant in his third Critique, focusing on the aspects that make music an artdifficult to characterise. For this purpose, it exposes the foundations that allow situating music at the highest levels of Kant’s incipient system of the arts, as well as the reasons that allow placing it on the lowest ones. In addition, the paper approaches the problem of the pendular place of music as a beautiful art and as an agreeable art, recovering and contrasting different passages of Kant’s Critique of Judgement. To complement this last aim, readings from different thinkers are reviewed, considering, on the one hand, those who claim that Kant characterises music as a beautiful art, and, on the other hand, those who claim that he characterises it as a mere agreeable art. Finally, this paper presents the conclusions that allow to understand that music’s double possibility, as a beautiful and as agreeable art, depends on the ways in which the subject relates to music.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Cristóbal Balbontín. Levinas o la posibilidad de un republicanismo libertario. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2021, 208pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) Rizo-Patrón de Lerner, RosemaryReview of Cristóbal Balbontín. Levinas o la posibilidad de un republicanismo libertario.Berlin: Peter Lang, 2021, 208pp.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿Son convincentes los argumentos de Epicuro y Lucrecio para rechazar el temor a la muerte?(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) Rosell, SergiThe present paper attempts to reconstruct and assess the main Epicurean arguments against the idea that death is an evil for the one who dies.In order to fight against the life anguished by the fear of death, Epicurus and Lucretius deploy a series of arguments aimed at showing the irrationality or thelack of justification of this fear. Although I share the thesis according to which an eudaimonic life entails the acceptance of our mortal nature, I suggest, however, that this does not force us to embrace the much more radical thesis according to which “death is nothing for us”. Particularly, the paper argues that the discussedarguments invalidate the fear of the fact itself of being dead, but not other fears related to the fact of not carrying on living.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La alétheia de los gatos. Balthus, Rilke y el problema de lo “Abierto”(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) Molina Barea, María del CarmenMaria Rilke and Balthazar Klossowski –Balthus–, which took the form of a book entitled Mitsou. Story of a Cat, illustrated by the young painter and forewordedby the poet. This case study serves as a guiding thread running through a deep analysis of the problem of the “Open”, a noumenic concept coined by Rilke in his creative exchange with Balthus. This concept was specifically discussed by Martin Heidegger. Thus, the present paper attempts to address the implications of affinity and confrontation between Rilke and Heidegger and to explore the metaphorical figure of the cat as the expression of certain animality within the unveiling that takes place in the Da-sein. For this purpose, it will also be necessary to explore theoretical key approaches taken from Ortega y Gasset and Schopenhauer, as well as critical positions particularly relevant in this field defended by Giorgio Agamben and Jacques Derrida, which tend towards an animalistic ontology of alētheia.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Carmen Silva. De la filosofía natural a la psicología de la moral en el Ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano de John Locke. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México–Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, 2021, 231pp.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) López, Alberto LuisReview of Carmen Silva. De la filosofía natural a la psicología de la moral en el Ensayosobre el entendimiento humano de John Locke. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes,2021, 231pp.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Marx y los fundamentos crítico-filosóficos de la esfera pública(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) Jurado-Castaño, Pedro Alejandro; Tobón-Velásquez, SebastiánThis paper presents the presuppositions that enable a critical reflection on the public sphere from a Marxist perspective. It begins by considering the contextof recent discussions concerning Marx’s political ideas, and the relevance of the concept of public sphere in order to show the importance of some of Marx’s critical concepts for political philosophy. The text is the result of a research project aimed at constructing a conceptual framework to develop a critical analysis of the public sphere today. This research has already established that some key issues, linked to the concepts of language and experience, were present in Marx’s work. In this sense, the paper presents a novel reflection to the extent that it deals with the actuality of Marx’s thought through the analysis of a contemporary political problem that allows to highlight the critical and radical implications that Marx’s philosophical-critical foundations have for contemporary discourse and politicalinstitutions such as the public sphere.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El sentido de la vocación filosófica según Sócrates y Heidegger(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) De Bravo Delorme, CristiánAccording to the allegory of the cave and the experience of the liberation of the prisoner described there, philosophy implies a redirection of human life. Thisredirection is not subject to the will of the person who experiments it; therefore, it cannot be self-procured, but rather occurs through the violent action of another. This violence highlights that philosophy arises from a relationship between one who provokes this experience and another who experiences it; and, in addition, that this experience entails a transformation of existence. This experience seems and a certain attitude that suggest —insofar they are provoked violently— the unavailability of the philosophical experience come here to the foreground. The following paper attempts to outline the meaning of the philosophical calling according to Socrates and Heidegger, and to understand to what extent the transformation that is generated here sets in motion not only two different ways of philosophising, but also two ways of being that seem conciliable to some degree, though they turn out to be ultimately come close to the one discussed by Heidegger in his analysis of the existentialmodification from the They-Self to the authentic Self. Additionally, a relationshipÍtem Texto completo enlazado El perspectivismo leibniciano en Baumgarten. Notas sobre el influjo del concepto de pequeñas percepciones en la estética baumgartiana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-21) Incio, SebastiánIn 1735 Baumgarten published his Philosophical Reflections on Poetry. There he develops for the first time the idea of a science of sensibility capable of apprehending the idea of beauty in art; a science which he denominates aesthetics. This quest to determine what beauty is and what the status of aesthetic experience within the edifice of knowledge is seems to be more related to the Leibnizian approaches to sensitivity than to the Wolffian gnoseological framework, not only because of the way in which it deals with the concepts of perfection, beauty and truth, but mainly due to the fact that, in the development of Baumgarten’s research on sensitivity, mechanisms of subjectivation similar to the ones presented by Leibniz seem to be deployed —mechanisms characterized by a strong perspectival background. In view of this, this paper investigates the Leibnizian influence on Baumgartian philosophy, and specifically the question about how the concept of petites perceptions, as a central element of Leibniz’s perspectivist conception,influences the notion of aesthetics developed by Baumgarten.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Materialismo y arte en Walter Benjamin(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-22) Sarasola, BeñatMaterialism and Art in Walter Benjamin”. This paper analyses the issue of materialism and its relationship with art in Walter Benjamin’s thought. This is a controversial issue in the debates around Benjamin. The article examines in detail Benjamin’s two fundamental texts on this topic: The Author as Producer and The Work of Art in the Era of Mechanical Reproduction. Before this, the paper puts the problem into context, considering the times and, in particular, Benjamin’s relationship with Brecht, which was seen as one of the key elements to understand Benjamin’s material turn. This fact disturbed some of his colleagues —like Adorno, Horkheimer and Karplus— who saw Brecht as an excessively orthodox materialist. This paper argues, however, that, although Benjamin turned towards materialist positions throughout the decade of the 30s, his materialism was not like the one defended by the Marxist orthodoxy of the time, though, indeed, it went beyond Adorno’s modernist approaches.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Fiat cura, et pereat mundus: la fenomenología del cuidado y del compromiso en Husserl(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2022-12-22) de Warren, NicolasThe present paper explores “the importance of what we care about” from a phenomenological angle in the spirit of Frankfurt’s seminal essay. I shallreflect upon a few of its central concepts and issues within a Husserlian frame of analysis. My overarching claim is that Frankfurt’s threefold distinction – knowing,ethical conduct, caring – is equally central to Husserl’s phenomenology of reason and, more directly, underlies Husserl’s phenomenological ethics of values andvocation in his Freiburg manuscripts of the 1920s and 1930s.