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  • Ítem
    El Régimen Jurídico del planeamiento urbanístico en el Estado Español: una mirada global
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Fuentes i Gasó, Josep Ramon
    This paper focuses on the study of urban planning and its legal regime in Spain. To do so, we begin with a brief reference to the urban and land use planning legislation in this country. Next, we deal with the legal nature of urban plans, and we mention the different types of planning: the general plan and its substitutes, sectorization, partial and special plans, detailed studies and other complementary instruments. Subsequently, we analyze the problems presented by the procedures of approval and alteration of urban plans, and finally, we refer to the situation of “out of order”, derived from changes in urban planning.
  • Ítem
    Tierra, territorio y autonomía: los gobiernos territoriales autónomos en la Amazonía Peruana
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Balbuena Palacios, Patricia
    Indigenous organizations were born out of the demand that, to this day, remains the backbone of their agenda: to protect their lands and natural resources, as a guarantees for their subsistence. The state response was to create the figure of “native community”, that would become fragment swarths of lowlands indigenous people’s territories; a legal figure similar to the “peasant community” in the Andes. To establish native communities, the state concentrates the indigenous population in villages, breaking traditional patterns of settlement. However, all these changes were accepted by indigenous organizations in exchange for protection against waves of immigration and illegal activities such as unauthorized logging.This article aims to show how the state response, through the legal framework of Native Communities Laws of 1974 and 1978, is no longer sufficient to fulfill the needs of indigenous peoples to protect their lands and territories. The native community’s regulation does not fulfill the standards developed by the Constitutional Court and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, nor with the ILO Convention No 169. Illegal activities are growing in the Amazon, and conflicts due to territory overlaps are a permanent source of conflicts with formal or illegal third parties.In recent years, indigenous organizations have tried to recover the governance of their territories through two main strategies: i) titling as an indigenous people and no longer as communities; and ii) establishing autonomous governments on those territories. Currently, 7 indigenous peoples out of 51 have advanced in this pursuit. This process, led by the Wampis people, could be the beginning of a new stage in the relationship between the State and the traditional Amazonian inhabitants. The actors involved must urgently address the situation since what is at stake is the subsistence of indigenous peoples and the preservation of lowlands ecosystems and biodiversity. Meanwhile, illegal actors are taking advantage of these legal weaknesses to advance by leaps and bounds.
  • Ítem
    El Derecho a la remuneración puesto a prueba: análisis de la intervención unilateral del empleador en el salario en tiempos de pandemia
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Sarzo Tamayo, Renato
    This investigation analyzes the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the remuneration of workers, both from a quantitative and qualitative point of view. About the first, statistics are exposed and analyzed on how the salary behavior has been in times of pandemic. In relation to the second, two key issues that have been debated and are still being debated until now: i) is the unilateral reduction of remunerations as a result of the economic effects of COVID-19 on companies constitutional and legally possible?, ii) what is the limit for the compensation of the license with pay granted in the context of the pandemic? About it, this article uses legislation and doctrine (in both cases, national and comparative), as well as jurisprudence (both constitutional and administrative) to answer these two questions and, thus, formulate two rules about it.
  • Ítem
    Evolución reciente y claves actuales del Derecho Urbanístico Español
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Iglesias González, Felipe
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the evolution of Spanish urban law in democracy. Spanish urban regulation has gone from a homogeneous state regulation to an increasingly heterogeneous regional regulation. For these purposes, the ruling of the Constitutional Court 61/1997, of March 20, was key, which encouraged the autonomous communities to approve their own urban codes, initiating a process of regulatory diaspora that continues. The most representative content of current state legislation is also studied, from the basic situations of land to the regime of transformation actions, through the valuation regime.
  • Ítem
    La regulación de la intervención sobre la ciudad existente en el Derecho Urbanístico Español. Su incidencia sobre el Derecho de Propiedad
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Chinchilla Peinado, Juan Antonio
    La necesidad de intervenir sobre la ciudad existente, para regenerarla, se articula en el derecho urbanístico español a través de las nuevas figuras de las actuaciones de regeneración y renovación de la urbanización y las actuaciones de dotación. Frente a la situación previa, donde la Administración podía intervenir sobre una ciudad existente a través de la limitada figura de los “Planes Especiales de Reforma Interior” y la figura de la expropiación, ahora se permite esa intervención posibilitando el traslado a los propietarios de los costes de dichas intervenciones. Dado que los derechos y deberes de los propietarios afectados en unas y otras actuaciones son sustancialmente diferentes, resulta preciso identificar criterios de utilización que otorguen seguridad jurídica, ante la confusa posición del Tribunal Supremo.
  • Ítem
    Apuntes introductorios sobre los fundamentos de la responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Pública
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Villalobos Villalobos, Vicente Brayan
     The patrimonial responsibility of the State is an issue belonging to the general part of administrative law. In Peruvian law, this institution does not have a clear and deep theoretical development as the civil liability system applied in private law does. Through this paper, the author outlines some generic considerations on the foundations of the duty to compensate by the Public Administration, generated when, in the exercise of its legally attributed powers, it causes injuries to the legally protected interests of the administered. Thus, the purpose of this work is to establish an approximation at the national headquarters on the theory of the patrimonial responsibility of the State, without prejudice to recognizing the influence of some institutions of private law.
  • Ítem
    Las ciudades peruanas y la Ley de Desarrollo urbano sostenible
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Calderón Cockburn, Julio
    The article discusses the problems and challenges of sustainable urban development (SDD) in Peruvian cities and focuses on the Sustainable Urban Development Law (SDL), number 31313, adopted in 2021. It considers urban sustainability, both in Peru and in the Latin American region, noting the effect of innovative policy and legislation, especially in Brazil and Colombia, as well as some of its difficulties and achievements. Secondly, it considers the LDUS in its political and social context, stressing its intention to regulate territorial development and urban planning by optimizing land use in “harmony with the common good and the general interest”. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations pose a number of challenges for urban sustainability in Peru.
  • Ítem
    La polémica figura del “autoplagio” ¿Sería pertinente regularla legislativamente en el Perú?
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022-12-14) Luna Rodríguez, Carlos Vladimir; Rojas Luján, Víctor William
    “Self-plagiarism” is a figure provided in the academic and scientific field to describe the behavior of authors consisting of “plagiarizing themselves”, something that would occur when an author publishes a work whose content coincides with that of another work by the same author previously published, without citing the previous work. Unlike plagiarism, self-plagiarism is not regulated by law, it is only provided for by regulation through guidelines from scientific journals and educational institutions. In this regard, the possibility of legislatively regulating self-plagiarism within the copyright regulations is proposed in this paper, so that authors have a clear regulatory framework that facilitates their research and publication task.