Derecho PUCP. Núm. 77 (2016)
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Reseñas de Jurisprudencia
Reseñas de Tesis
Ítem Texto completo enlazado Acerca de la revolución capitalista de lo jurídico. Izquierda lacaniana y teoría crítica del derecho(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Foa Torres, JorgeThis article proposes an approach to contemporary transformations of the legal, from the articulation between critical theory of law and the Lacanian left. On the one hand, it is stated that in contemporary times, under the dominance of the capitalist discourse, the legal has undergone a metamorphosis that can be characterized as the passage from bourgeois legal form to the right to jouissance. On the other hand, this paper claims that the law of populism can become, as residue of that discourse that it fails to reabsorb, a device capable of producing cuts on the capitalist circuit. In this context, the capitalist revolution refers to the radical change in policies and institutions and legal forms that lacks an emancipatory orientation and, on the contrary, promotes the consolidation and deepening of its repetition and reproduction. In this sense, identification with the subversive can become a mean by which the law of populism is capable of promoting the production of memories of terrorism that reinstate the social antagonism as a way of extracting a truth from the capitalist discourse for the return-invention of the political in its hegemonic form.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Las cargas del juez frente a los desafíos del precedente constitucional a propósito de la motivación y argumentación de los fallos(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Celis Galvis, María Laura; Hernández Mendoza, William Esneyder; Roa Caballero, Luis AlejandroJudicial autonomy has suffered changes all through Colombian constitutional history, especially due to the expedition of the Political Constitution in 1991. This implies that the judge’s function was affected and suffered relevant changes, particularly in duties such as the motivation of judicial providences and the search for real justice in concrete cases. As a consequence of these relevant changes, now judges must pay special attention to the constitutional precedent and the charges imposed on them in order to avoid sanctions like the annulment of their judgments through the «vías de hecho» doctrine. These limitations and consequences were issued with the aim of protecting fundamental rights, and making the legal system dynamic and coherent.Ítem Texto completo enlazado ¿El derecho en el diván del analista?: los usos de la teoría psicoanalítica en la academia estadounidense contemporánea(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Caudill, David S.In the U.S. legal context, psychoanalysis is viewed by most scholars (and most judges) as outdated, even unscientific, and there is little room for psychoanalytic expertise in U.S. courts of law. However, there are some scholars who continue to do theoretical work in the conventional Freudian tradition, as well as numerous critical legal theorists who have appropriated the psychoanalytic conceptions of Jacques Lacan in their critiques of the law. This is a brief survey of how these scholars conceive of the law in psychoanalytic terms. Is it the judge being analyzed? Is it the lawyers, or the law students? Is the law itself viewed as subject with an unconscious and with symptoms? Or is it an analysis of legal texts as having an unconscious dimension that is hidden like an ideology? I identify examples of all four frameworks, and conclude that these scholars, notwithstanding their theoretical orientation, have practical goals for law in mind.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La dimensión anímica del derecho: una aproximación preliminar desde la psicología analítica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Mastro Puccio, Fernando delThis paper presents a proposal of interdisciplinary approach between analytic psychology and law. From the basis of Carl G. Jung’s theoretical framework, we argue that the law is animated by psychic contents of archetypical nature, which shape the way in which humans relate with rules and authority and impact how we regulate as a society. The paper introduces myth interpretation as a means to comprehend that animic dimension of law and describes the concepts, techniques and cares that should guide the analysis. An interpretation of the fall of Adam and Eve is conducted as an example of the proposed interdisciplinary approach. The analysis leads us to argue that the psychic tendency to separate the inner self from the outer self, with the relegation of the former, derives in the domination of the masculine over the feminine and in a relationship characterized by distance and fear between humans and the authority. The regulation that arises from that context is one also marked by separation, fear of sanctions and is focused on the external behavior. The image of Jesus is thus presented as compensatory one since it tends to the reunion of the inner with the outer and of the feminine with the masculine, which derives in a regulation substantially different from that of the Old Testament.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Discapacidad, invalidez, incapacidad para el trabajo y trabalenguas: ¿si tengo discapacidad y trabajo, puedo cobrar pensión de invalidez?(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Bregaglio Lazarte, Renata; Constantino Caycho, Renato; Galicia Vidal, Saulo; Beyá González, ErickThe article focuses on a new problem that requires an adequate legal answer that respects the rights of the persons with disabilities: are all persons with disabilities incapacitated for work? This question tries to make a critical assessment of the traditional systems of social security that assumed that any disability led to the end of the productive life. However, that differs completely from the view of the social model of disability that states that disability comes from the social barriers and not from the persons. If disability is not the same as incapacity to work, how and when should this latter figure be applied? The existence of both figures requires us to differentiate them. The hypothesis is that these figures are different but may coexist at the same time.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Doble venta u oponibilidad(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-24) Mendoza del Maestro, GilbertoNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Freud y el gobierno del derecho. De Tótem y tabú a la teoría psicoanalítica del derecho(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Brunner, JoséCan the reflection of legal scholars concerning the rule of law be enriched by the cultural conception of Freud about law? This article develops this question, based on how the rule of law was conceived in modernity, from a reading of the work of Hume and Rousseau, in order to show the potential compatibility that this conception had with the later work of Freud. Thus, Freud’s thinking about law is presented as a dialectical or paradoxical civilizatory force, restraining the passions even though they drive it, from a reading of his work Totem and Taboo. In this reconstruction, the genealogy of law is portrayed, from his story of the primal horde, and unconscious dynamics behind the law itself. Then the uses that various legal scholars have made of Freud in writing about the rule of law are analyzed, criticizing how they neglect the tragic sentiment of the Freudian cultural vision regarding law. Finally, the article states that the notions developed by Freud can serve critical legal thinking only if the law is seen as part of the culture, which leads to consider legal studies as a form of cultural studies.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Frida Segura Urrunaga: La dimensión interlegal de la gestión del agua en San Andrés de Tupicocha, Lima, Huarochirí, Perú (1942- 2015). Tesis de Licenciatura en Derecho por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-24) Guevara Gil, ArmandoNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado La implementación de un régimen especial de insolvencia para las MYPE(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Lizárraga Vera-Portocarrero, AnthonyIn Peru, small companies have many difficulties to access financial services; therefore, a possible solution is to have a special regime for these companies, which grants a higher expectative of payment to creditors compared with the traditional bankruptcy system, because this access to services provided by financial intermediaries becomes essential for the stability and progress of the sector.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Importante, no importante: una anticipación crítica de los supuestos del positivismo jurídico en Alicia en el país de las maravillas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Ghirardi, José GarcezAlmost a full century separates Alice in Wonderland (1865) of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson(who will be referred by his pseudonym, Lewis Carroll) and the second, lengthier and more elaborate edition of Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law (1960; first edition published in 1934). And yet, it is possible to argue that the former anticipates and critically addresses many of the philosophical assumptions that underlie and are elemental to the argument of the latter. Both texts, with the illuminating differences that arise from their disparate genre, have as one of their key themes norms and their functioning. Wonderland, as Alice soon finds out, is a world beset by rules of all kinds: from the etiquette rituals of the mad tea-party to the changing setting for the croquet game to the procedural insanity of the trial with which the novel ends. Pure Theory of Law, as Kelsen emphatically stresses, has the Grundnorm as the cornerstone upon which the whole theoretical edifice rests (see Green, 2003; Posner, 2005).This paper discusses some of the assumptions underlying Kelsen’s argument as an instance of the modern worldview that Lewis satirically scrutinizes. The first section («Sleepy and stupid») discusses Lewis’ critique of the idea that, to correctly apprehend an object (in the case of Kelsen’s study, law), one has to free it from its alien elements. The second section («Do bats eat cats?») discusses the notion of systemic coherence and its impact on modern ways of thinking about truth, law and society. The third section («Off with their heads!») explores the connections between readings of systems as neutral entities and the perpetuation of political power. The fourth and final section («Important, Unimportant») explains the sense in which a «critical anticipation» is both possible and useful to discuss the philosophical assumptions structuring some positivist arguments. It also discusses the reasons for choosing to focus on Kelsen’s work, rather than on that of Lewis’ contemporary John Austin, whose The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (published in 1832) remains influential in legal debates today.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Karen Morgana Salvador Pomalaza: La huida y el miedo: la calificación y protección jurídicas de personas que abandonan sus Estados a causa de conflictos armados. Tesis de Licenciatura en Derecho por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-24) Vásquez Agüero, PieroNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado La ley en el Perú: un diálogo entre psicoanálisis y derecho(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-24) Facultad de Derecho, Facultad de DerechoEl 9 de septiembre, en el Anfiteatro Monseñor José Dammert Bellido, se llevó a cabo el conversatorio «La ley en el Perú: un diálogo entre psicoanálisis y derecho». El conversatorio tuvo lugar en el marco de los eventos de «Confluencias: derecho, propuesta y cambio». Fue diseñado y organizado por la Oficina Académica de Publicaciones, Comunicación e Imagen y por los docentes del curso de Derecho y Psicología de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Se contó con la colaboración de los y las estudiantes de derecho que conforman la Asociación «Anima Iure».El evento contó con las ponencias de Luis Pásara y Eduardo Montagne. Estas ponencias fueron, a su vez, comentadas por los profesores Pilar Aguilar y Fernando Del Mastro, respectivamente. Luego de las presentaciones y comentarios hubo un espacio de conversación entre los panelistas y los asistentes. A continuación se incluye la transcripción del evento.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La otra dimensión del derecho(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Legendre, PierreIn times at which economic logic and a one-dimensional discourse of science silence alternative ways of thinking in our societies, this paper invites us to understand the law from a largely unexplored dimension: the dimension that institutes life, binding the social, the biological and the unconscious in a space that reproduces the logic of Interdiction. To achieve this goal, this paper begins by exploring the obstacles that make jurists unable to conceive a link between their discipline and psychoanalysis, as well as incapable of opening the law to its analysis. Among these, we encounter conceiving the legal system as the discourse of Reason in the West, construction which will remain an obstacle to the convergence between law and psychoanalysis unless we understand that the origin of this conception lies in the choice of Roman Canon law as its historical representation. Then, it reviews the notion of society, approaching it as a theatrical construction set by discursive practices, allowing the recovery of genealogical knowledge of the reference and to this end, builds on the knowledge of Roman law. Hand-in-hand with a psychoanalytic approach, it points out how a vast social system of interpretations places the law within the transmission of the Interdiction for the subject, transmission which introduces him to the institutional dimension of the limit. We also approach the unconscious aspects of the representation of the subject, by putting a transsexualism case law under the light of its notion of symbolic determinism. Finally, it reflects on the power of the State to divide words and things, that is, the Third separator, category necessary for the operation of law. Consequently, this paper allows law to be seen as refering to the order of life and also calls upon psychoanalysis to deepen the institutional dimension.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Parentalidad socio-afectiva y las familias actuales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Montagna, PlinioThe purpose of this paper is to discuss issues related to multiparentality in the current society, which emerges from contemporary changes originated on the second half of the 20th Century, with the increase of legal divorces that occurred. The approach to the topic is given by analyzing the origin and the concept of the term parentality, native of the French language. The theme is studied also through the consideration of maternal and paternal roles, related or not to biological genders of father and mother. The work is original when it regards, in clinical observations, the necessity of the elaboration of mourning for the loss of internal objets in order to appropriate the positive contigencies of multiparentalityÍtem Texto completo enlazado Una perspectiva del desarrollo acerca del ideal de la razón en el derecho constitucional estadounidense(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Dailey, Anne C.The ideal of reason is central to contemporary accounts of citizenship in American constitutional law. The individual capacity for reasoned choice lies closely aligned with the constitutional values of personal liberty and democratic self-government as they have evolved in Supreme Court decisions over the past century. Yet as presently conceived, the ideal of reason in constitutional law overlooks the process by which individuals actually acquire the capacity to choose their own values and commitments or to engage in reasoned thinking about collective ends. This paper argues that we cannot hope to sustain and foster a constitutional polity committed to the principles of individual liberty and democratic self-government without knowing something about how individual citizens come to possess this requisite skill of mind. A developmental perspective on reason in constitutional law provides a framework for examining the source and contours of the psychological skills that make it possible to lead an autonomous, self directed life and to participate meaningfully in the processes of democratic self-government. Developmental psychology, together with research in related fields, provides empirical support for the proposition that the psychological capacity for reasoned thinking has its roots in the early caregiving relationship. Thus, a comprehensive and integrated constitutional family law must recognize the role of early caregiving in the political socialization of children. This developmental approach offers a substantial reworking of constitutional doctrine in the areas of family privacy, parental rights, congressional power, and affirmative welfare rights.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Reflexiones psicoanalíticas acerca de la justicia, la ley y la legalidad en el Perú de hoy(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Franco Valdivia, Rocío; Haworth Ruiz, Elizabeth; Martinez Julio-Rospigliosi, CeciliaThis article proposes a reflection on the irrational aspects of justice and legality that remain veiled in the debate on the difficulties of judicial reform processes in our region and which are expressed harshly in gender violence. Psychoanalytic contributions on culture state that the existence of the unconscious (the instinctual life of the subject) is that which enables the establishment of the law. From this perspective, conflict is inherent in human beings and the anxieties it arouses cannot be bypassed or denied. Therefore, the establishment of limits and a healthy expression of aggression depend on the internal construction of legality in the subject. On the intersubjective level, the mismatch between the expectations of the population and justice operators is associated with the confusion between social reality and the real (Lacan), generating a basic misunderstanding to be solved. As a method, fundamental psychoanalytic concepts are employed and situations of violence against women from Peruvian rural communities are discussed. The paper concludes that it is essential to any process of change or reform to work around the elaboration of anxieties that block the task in institutions and groups. This work facilitates access to justice, while generating new knowledge in this field.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas: un estudio comparado entre España y el Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Fernández Díaz, Carmen Rocío; Chanjan Documet, Rafael HernandoThis paper studies the criminal liability of legal persons, which has suffered a deep reform with the organic law 1/2015, after being introduced in Spain in 2010. This reform has brought important modifications and news, as the creation of an exemption of liability through the adoption of compliance programs, which supposes a change in the so called model of transfer of liability, that existed before. Parallel to this transformation in the Spanish criminal code, in Peru recently the law 30424 has come into forth, which contents a corporate liability model, very similar to the one foreseen in Spain. Both models of liability and the possibility of its exemption raise doubts about if they really tried to penalize legal persons or not.Ítem Texto completo enlazado El sentido integral del derecho a la identidad: jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional y la realidad registral del Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-24) Grández Mariño, AgustínNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Los usos del psicoanálisis en el derecho: la fuerza del ejemplo de Jay Katz(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Burt, Robert A.This article samples possible uses of psychoanalysis in law from the academic work of Joseph Goldstein and Jay Katz. Both start to recognize the importance of psychoanalysis to provide a serious and courageous attention to the non-rational dimensions of the human being, we should be aware in the world of law. Starting from this premise, the author explores two possible uses of psychoanalysis in law: one represented by Goldstein, focuses on using «psychoanalytic premises to resolve legal disputes», for example by providing psychoanalytic information to determine the best interests of the child in cases of custody, while the other, represented by Katz, who seeks to «create an awareness of conflict where all of the actors had previously been locked in a mutually reinforcing fantasy that no conflict existed», as it occurs in doctor-patient relationship, in order to rethink standards that had been set by law under an illusion of objectivity and rationality. The article explores these two approaches through examples, linking two perspectives adopted by Freud throughout his academic work and taking a preferred position by the position of Katz.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La visión dominante de la ética profesional del abogado como obstáculo a la construcción de un trauma cultural y como causa de un trauma individual(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2016-11-14) Anzola Rodríguez, SergioLaw and psychoanalysis are disciplines that address different questions and have different purposes. However efforts have been made to find some spaces for interdisciplinarity. One of these efforts has been to use judicial proceedings as places in which individual traumas can be transformed into cultural and social traumas. This article aims to show the risks and pitfalls of this enterprise by using a real life example. The purpose is to show how law can fail on this purpose and turn itself instead into a place for revictimization. In this latter scenario the role of lawyers and their professional duties play a key role.