THĒMIS-Revista de Derecho. Núm. 72 (2017)

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Tabla de Contenido

  • Presentación Consejo Ejecutivo; 3

  • Derecho Mercantil
  • Empresa Individual y transformación de la entidad (o la discusión sobre la pluripersonalidad de la Persona Jurídica) Pazos Hayashida, Javier; 13-22
  • Alcances respecto a la disyuntiva entre proteger las creaciones en el mercado de la moda como diseño industrial o como parte del derecho de autor y su situación concreta en el Perú Bardales Mendoza, Enrique; 23-39
  • Protección EX ANTE v. PROTECCIÓN EX POST: la ejecución de colaterales en operaciones de financiamiento Escobar Rozas, Freddy; 41-57
  • El ámbito objetivo de aplicación de la Ley de Represión de la Competencia Desleal, con especial referencia a la llamada “Competencia Prohibida” Zegarra Mulánovich, Álvaro; 59-85
  • Arbitraje en fusiones y adquisiciones de empresas García Long, Sergio; 87-112
  • Empezando por el principio: análisis económico de la función del Derecho Societario Forno Odría, Hugo; 113-126
  • Hayek vs. Kelsen: el fundamento liberal de la Lex Mercatoria Núñez del Prado, Fabio; 127-157
  • A 25 años de su creación: Comentarios a la relación entre Indecopi y el Poder Judicial en el marco de los procedimientos concursales Agurto Isla, Renzo; 159-170
  • Llegando al fondo de la inversión inmobiliaria: lo nuevo en Fibra y Firbi Zaldívar Del Águila, Rodrigo; Castillo Vigil, Paola; 171-182

  • Misceláneas
  • ¿Cómo lograr la anulación de un Laudo por corrupción en sus tribunales?: Lecciones aprendidas del caso ONCOSERV Talavera Cano, Andrés; 185-194
  • El infructuoso límite de publicaciones de prensa en España y en el Mercado Europeo Digital Cabrera Minaya, Susana; 195-210
  • Las Universidades en el Perú: Análisis constitucional y legal desde su condición de Personas Jurídicas Monge Morales, Gonzalo; 211-224
  • La Anulación del Laudo por su motivación en el Perú – cómo hacer frente a una Vía Distorsionada Rivas Caso, Gino; 225-234

  • Mesa Redonda
  • Mesa Redonda: Reforma de la Ley General De Sociedades en el Perú Hundskopf Exebio, Oswaldo; Payet Puccio, José Antonio; Montoya Stahl, Alfonso; Ferrero Álvarez-Calderón, Guillermo; 237-257
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 14
    • Ítem
      Hayek vs. Kelsen: el fundamento liberal de la Lex Mercatoria
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Núñez del Prado, Fabio
      How are commercial rules created? Should they be created in a constructivist way or are they created rather through a spontaneous order? Should Kelsen’s positivism prevail in commercial law? Should sectorial rules of risk allocation be included in a Civil Code?.The present article answers with effectiveness each one of these questions with the purpose of demonstrating that in commercial law the source par excellence should be the Lex Mercatoria.
    • Ítem
      Alcances respecto a la disyuntiva entre proteger las creaciones en el mercado de la moda como diseño industrial o como parte del derecho de autor y su situación concreta en el Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Bardales Mendoza, Enrique
      In the present article, the author exposes the discussion that exists regarding the protection that products should have in the fashion field. To do this, it shows the various elements that exist in the field of intellectual property, with special emphasis on copyright and rights on industrial design.The problem is addressed taking into account the independence of criteria between the different forms of protection, the possible concurrence of rights on the same product and the particularities of the objects susceptible of protection in a medium subject to constant changes such as fashion. Likewise, a comparison is made with the legislative formulas that have been adopted in foreign countries.
    • Ítem
      El ámbito objetivo de aplicación de la Ley de Represión de la Competencia Desleal, con especial referencia a la llamada “Competencia Prohibida”
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Zegarra Mulánovich, Álvaro
      This paper analyses the definition that the Act on Suppression of Unfair Competition adopted by Legislative Decree 1044 makes of its own objective scope. The positive concept of “act of competition”, that is the centerpiece of such a definition, is examined first, to then focus on the concepts excluded from it, either explicitly or implicitly, in line with both national and comparative legislation and case law. Particular attention is given to the exclusions from the concept of “act of competition” grouped in the literature under the name of “forbidden competition”.
    • Ítem
      Protección EX ANTE v. PROTECCIÓN EX POST: la ejecución de colaterales en operaciones de financiamiento
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Escobar Rozas, Freddy
      Collaterals are actives (material and immaterial) that act as warrants against any financial operation. This figure allows to reduce risks related to financial operations throughout credit qualification of the protected agent. For this reason, an adequate regulation of its execution (ex ante and ex post) is useful to reduce situations originated by information asymmetry.In this article, the autor develops the legal treatment of this juridical figure and its applicable regimens, analyzing the juridical and economic implications of the two ways to protect its execution: juridical proceedings (ex ante) and extra juridical proceedings (ex post).
    • Ítem
      El infructuoso límite de publicaciones de prensa en España y en el Mercado Europeo Digital
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Cabrera Minaya, Susana
      This article analyzes the regulation of the limitation of contents aggregation in the Spanish Copyright Law. We describe its regulation, requirements and effectiveness. Furthermore it describes how unsuccessful it was for different European countries to legislate the protection of press contents in the digital field and the Proposal presented by the European Commission. Finally it describes the regulation of the limitation of current information in the Peruvian Copyright Law and the possible reasons that still motivate the absence of news aggregation in Latin America laws.
    • Ítem
      Arbitraje en fusiones y adquisiciones de empresas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) García Long, Sergio
      Arbitration is a mechanism to solve conflicts different to the judicial system. It characterizes for being private, flexible and specialized. For those reasons, arbitral clauses are preferred in diverse types of contracts, especially in commercial contracts.In this article, the author develops the application of contract clauses, originated on Common Law, on a Civil Law context, specifically on merger and acquisition contracts, and how they had been interpreted in arbitration in Peru. Also, the article analyzes which are the applicable rules of these American clauses on Peruvian law and which rules, imperative or not, must be considered while incorporating these clauses on the contract.
    • Ítem
      Las Universidades en el Perú: Análisis constitucional y legal desde su condición de Personas Jurídicas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Monge Morales, Gonzalo
      Universities are special transcendent for the development of our country. However, very little attention has been taken into their legal regimen and the consequences derivate from their preexisting condition of legal entities and independent of the type of universities that constitute. Within the framework of the controversy generated by the new University Law (Law 30220), this article is enlightening in terms of its applicability, since the author presents his proposal based on a complete analysis of the universities, from a constitutional perspective, as from a legal and practical.
    • Ítem
      Empresa Individual y transformación de la entidad (o la discusión sobre la pluripersonalidad de la Persona Jurídica)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Pazos Hayashida, Javier
      Starting off the critics to the general ideas about legal persons, especially in relation of his colective character, the article does a study about the rol of the Sole Proprietorship in the modern economic activity and the transformation of this entity.This is done by considering the needs and interests of the businessman, being that the option for one-person companies, or with many partners, is merely conjuctural. The social utility of the legal entity takes precedence over static considerations regarding the supposed “nature” of the institution.
    • Ítem
      Mesa Redonda: Reforma de la Ley General De Sociedades en el Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Hundskopf Exebio, Oswaldo; Payet Puccio, José Antonio; Montoya Stahl, Alfonso; Ferrero Álvarez-Calderón, Guillermo
      How effective is the current General Corporations Law?. Is it necessary to reform the General Corporations Law? What are the main reforms that must be implemented? Should other laws be amended?.This round table, responds to each of these questions and many more, dealing with many controversial issues in commercial and corporate law.
    • Ítem
      ¿Cómo lograr la anulación de un Laudo por corrupción en sus tribunales?: Lecciones aprendidas del caso ONCOSERV
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-09-11) Talavera Cano, Andrés
      The Arbitration is a one – time process instance in which the parties submit in an arbitrator to settle a dispute between them. The annulment of this process occurs through an exceptional remedy before the judicial court which finds sustenance in a serious violation of due process.In the present article, the author analyzes the case “Oncoserv v. Regional Government of Arequipa“, which has set a milestone in the history of Arbitration in Peru due to its unfortunate link with corruption. Its relevance lies in the application of the annulment remedy for an issue other than the notification or right to defense, such as corruption, which has had a great impact on national law.