Politai. Vol. 08 Núm. 14 (2017)
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Ítem Texto completo enlazado Editorial. Politai; Vol. 8, Núm. 14 (2017): Integración y cooperación regional en América Latina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Bendezu De la Cruz, CamilaNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado Entrevista a Sebastien Adins(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Bendezu De la Cruz, Camila; Saldarriaga, AlejandroNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado ¿Nueva era de proteccionismo?: El papel de los Acuerdos de Libre Comercio en América Latina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Arrieta, GabrielAfter the accession of Donald Trump as president of the United States, the recent protectionist trade environment is guarantee that the American trade policy could affect Latin American countries, due to the importance of United States as trading partner. These policies would not only affect Latin American countries, but also their main trading partners as China, that could respond with other protectionist policies, which could lead to the beginning of a domino effect, where the biggest loser could be Latin America. Taking into account the current international context, in this article it will be making policy recommendations on Free Trade Agreement issues aimed to reducing the possible impacts of American trade policies in Latin American countries (especially, considering the recent United States’ withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal).Ítem Texto completo enlazado Presentación. Politai; Vol. 8, Núm. 14 (2017): Integración y cooperación regional en América Latina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Vidarte, OscarNo presenta resumenÍtem Texto completo enlazado La eficacia de Unasur para la solución de crisis políticas en Sudamérica (2008-2013)(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Quispe Robles, Javier LucianoIn the last decade South American has been the scenario of different political crises with considerable repercussions on regional stability. In that sense, the participation of regional institutions for the solution of political crises has become increasingly important. This article seeks to understand the scope and limitations of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) for the solution of political crises in the region. Since its origins, Unasur has sought to play an important role in efforts to maintain political stability in South America. However, while in some cases its participation has been effective; in others it has been limited or insufficient. One question remains: What determines Unasur's effectiveness in resolving political crises? This article argues that it is important to observe the interests and actions of the South American States in the face of each crisis to understand the scope of Unasur as an institution that guarantees regional stability. Adopting tools derived from structural realism, it can be observed that Unasur can be effective as long as there is agreement between the regional powers. However, if it does not exist, the action of Unasur is limited and insufficient.This article will analyze the crises of Bolivia in 2008; Ecuador in 2010; the diplomatic conflict between Colombia and Venezuela in 2009-2010; Paraguay in 2012; and Venezuela in 2013. Thus, the article not only studies the effectiveness of Unasur as a regional body, but also discusses the possibilities and limitations of political integration in South America in view of the distribution of power and competition among regional powers.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Rol de APEC en la consolidación de la Política Exterior Económica Peruana(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Castro Silva, Julissa; Mormontoy Atauchi, ErickThe present article focuses on the role of APEC in the consolidation of Peruvian Foreign Economic policy. It analyzes if this Forum has represented some type of influence and in what way it has become evident. This study shows that APEC, with the leadership of the United States, has exerted a relevant external influence, first, channeling the liberalization principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and then, through the deepening of its own agenda that institutionalized a bilateral and multilateral opening strategy after the Asian crisis.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Fuerzas sistémicas en la construcción del orden regional sudamericano: El rol de la hegemonía estadounidense(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Ayala Castiblanco, Lizeth Vanessa; Ramírez Bullón, Javier ErnestoThe creation of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) in 2008 seemed to encourage the formation of an alternative regional order to the inter-American system led by the United States. This project emerged in a context characterized by the failure of the FTAA, Brazil's international projection and the strength of South American countries to face the global economic crisis. Such conditions led to the diffusion of post-hegemonic readings to understand the regionalization of South America. Nowadays, however, the quest for regional autonomy is limited both by domestic and regional factors and by systemic forces involved in shaping new regional orders.As part of its nearest influence zone, United States has vital interests in South America that may collide with projects of regional autonomy. Given this context, it is necessary to review how the US hegemony has evolved in the region and how it interrelates with the construction of a South American order. For this purpose, this research will analyze the changes occurred during the presence of the United States in the region at economic, military, political and ideological level. Using a historical perspective, the study finds partial hegemonic declining tendencies that allow a greater agency capacity for the formation of a South American order. However, recent data shows that US economic and military primacy continues to be projected through its major regional partners, questioning the hypothesis of a significant decline in its hegemony.Ítem Texto completo enlazado La Alianza del Pacífico y los efectos políticos de la interdependencia económica(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Morales Giraldo, Juan FranciscoThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the unintended political effects of economic interdependence among South American members of the Alliance of the Pacific by tracing the evolution of their mutual trade in relation to the intensity of their military competitive dynamics from 2001 to 2015. Two measurement instruments are use: an intra-regional trade index based on commerce data, and a coordination index based on arms purchases. The question is if the formation of the Alliance and trade relations now embedded in it have had any effect on the cooperation-conflict political balance. Issues concerning the method are discuss as well as the implications of the research for the intertheory debate. Last section is dedicate to discuss briefly the historical understanding of regional conflicts and normative aims of regional integration.Ítem Texto completo enlazado Integración y cooperación regional en América Latina(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017) Cantuarias, Pamela; Inga, Carol; Náquira, BrendaEl objetivo principal de este trabajo es demostrar cómo a través de los parlamentos se logra un grado de legitimación en los mecanismos de integración. Asimismo, introduce al Estado como principal actor internacional y resalte el regionalismo en términos de gobernanza. Para demos-trarlo, analiza las instituciones parlamentarias internacionales de cada mecanismo de integra-ción; tales como la Alianza del Pacífico, Unasur y Celac. La relación explicaría que mientras mayor sea el grado de participación parlamentaria direccionada desde el poder ejecutivo de cada país, mayor acercamiento a un proceso de regionalización. Sin embargo, aún hay una brecha entre estos procesos formales y su implementación, puesto que son condicionados por la diplo-macia y la autoridad política.