Derecho PUCP. Núm. 74 (2015)

URI permanente para esta colección

Tabla de Contenido

Lección Inaugural
  • Corrupción, globalización y derecho penal económico. Lección de Apertura del Año Académico de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú Terradillos Basoco, Juan María; 11-26

  • Sección Principal
  • Criterios para obtener la concesión de una patente de invención en el Perú Arana Courrejolles, María del Carmen; 29-69
  • El nombre comercial y su uso por parte de la persona jurídica Pazos Hayashida, Javier Mihail; 71-96
  • En torno al derecho moral del autor a la integridad de su obra: reflexiones a propósito del daño efectuado a los murales en el Centro de Lima Solórzano Solórzano, Raúl; 97-112
  • La regulación del nombre comercial en el Perú: rezago y desafío Schiantarelli Gonzalez, Juan Pablo; 113-126
  • El «juez andino» en temas de propiedad intelectual: aplicación en el ámbito peruano Rejanovinschi Talledo, Moisés; 127-152
  • Formatos de televisión y derechos de autor: una mirada desde la jurisprudencia nacional y comparada Montezuma Panez, Oscar; 153-167
  • El press clipping y el uso de enlaces desde la perspectiva del derecho de autor Córdova Mezarina, Jorge; 169-187
  • El rompecabezas incompleto. La omisión normativa y jurisprudencial sobre la protección por el derecho de autor de personajes y objetos de la obra Murillo Chávez, Javier André; 189-220
  • De la ficción a la realidad: reflexiones en torno a los personajes de ficción Agüero Miñano, Maritza Yesenia; 221-235
  • La convergencia entre el derecho de la competencia y los derechos de propiedad intelectual Tassano Velaochaga, Hebert Eduardo; 237-248
  • El equilibrista desorientado: la dinámica evolutiva de las cláusulas contractuales en contratos predispuestos y el mito de la baja calidad de los contratos de consumo Rodríguez García, Gustavo Manuel; 249-267
  • Una mirada descentralizada al enjuiciamiento de cárteles en el Perú Quintana Sánchez, Eduardo; 269-291
  • Política de competencia y ayudas estatales en el marco del Régimen Comunitario de Comercio de Derechos de Emisión de la Unión Europea Rodríguez Morales, Jorge Ernesto; 293-314
  • El plan de reestructuración como instrumento de competencia en el mercado de empresas insolventes Águila Ruiz de Somocurcio, Paolo del; 315-332
  • La responsabilidad transfronteriza por productos defectuosos en la Unión Europea Palao Moreno, Guillermo; 333-352

  • Miscelánea
  • Análisis crítico del examen de los documentos en las cartas de crédito Gallegos Zúñiga, Jaime Ramiro; 415-440
  • Cómo afrontar lo inesperado. La fuerza mayor en la contratación internacional: ¿principio o cláusula? Castro Ruiz, Marcela; 441-484
  • Sistema jurídico y naturaleza. Consideraciones sobre el derecho y la naturaleza Foy Valencia, Pierre; 485-517

  • Interdisciplinaria
  • El derecho en Los hermanos Karamazov Zolezzi Ibárcena, Lorenzo; 355-395
  • Estado sombra: lo inconsciente en las críticas al Estado paternalista desde Carl Jung Mastro Puccio, Fernando del; 397-412

  • Reseñas de Jurisprudencia
  • Sobre la constitucionalidad de la Ley de Reforma del Sistema Privado de Pensiones respecto de la limitación del derecho a la pensión y la libertad de contratación Vidal Bermúdez, Álvaro; 521-526
  • Sobre el contenido económico y salarial de la negociación colectiva en el trabajo Sánchez Reyes, Christian; 527-534
  • Sobre la cosa juzgada constitucional y la indebida motivación en un caso de corrupción de alto funcionario público Ramírez Varela, Lilia; 535-541
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 24
    • Ítem
      El rompecabezas incompleto. La omisión normativa y jurisprudencial sobre la protección por el derecho de autor de personajes y objetos de la obra
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-06-01) Murillo Chávez, Javier André
      This article analyzes the missing rule and ruling about the protection of characters and fictional objects which are part of works covered by copyright. The author systematizes the criteria used in the administrative jurisprudence for conflicts between the intellectual property and the industrial property to extract specific rules in cases that involve fictional objects and characters, establishing and proposing criteria to find out the originality of these elements.
    • Ítem
      El derecho en Los hermanos Karamazov
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-06-01) Zolezzi Ibárcena, Lorenzo
      The Brothers Karamazov was the last novel of Dostoievski and for that reason is in way a sort of synthesis of his thinking. In the article there is a brief development of some key ideas as these: in matter of guilt, the attitude has more importance than action; everyone is guilty of everything before the eyes of everyone (universal guilt); suffering purifies the individual and acts as a remedy that promotes his spiritual elevation; freewill is central in human existence. But the novel is also a novel about a crime. Somebody is murdered and the readers will discover the perpetrator at the very end. 25% of the novel is devoted to technical legal matters: the instruction of the summary and the court trial. But what is most interesting is that an innocent is found guilty, because law had no other choice having into account the facts that are backed by evidence. It would be possible to find him not guilty, but for doing so it would be necessary to change the paradigm that is the backbone of modern criminal law.
    • Ítem
      La responsabilidad transfronteriza por productos defectuosos en la Unión Europea
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-08-07) Palao Moreno, Guillermo
      Liability for defective products meets a modern legal framework applicable to cases which have an international nature in the European Union. However, the new regulatory developments have not solved the existing coordination problems and offer an unjustified complexity, so there is a certain risk that the objectives pursued by the European legislator in this strategic sector for the EU internal market are not going to be fulfilled. The objective of this study is to analyze the solutions contained in Regulation (EC) 442001, relating to jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters and Regulation (EC) 8642007, concerning the law applicable to non-contractual obligations («Rome II»), aswell as their interrelationship with other conventional instruments.
    • Ítem
      El equilibrista desorientado: la dinámica evolutiva de las cláusulas contractuales en contratos predispuestos y el mito de la baja calidad de los contratos de consumo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-06-01) Rodríguez García, Gustavo Manuel
      The standard-form agreements, pejoratively labeled as “adhesion contracts”, have bad reputation. A significant number of academics and most of consumer protection authorities often believe that the absence of negotiation and the preponderance of rights and benefits assigned to suppliers (versus costs, obligations or limitations imposed to consumers) show a kind/ sort of abuse against an alleged weak party of the consumption relationship. In this article, Professor Rodríguez García states that the skeptic and hostile vision regarding the standard-form agreements is wrong and is based on a poor understanding of the incentives and purposes that this type of contractingfulfills. On the contrary, the author intends to state that the control of clauses included in  consumption contracts  is prejudicial to consumers. Therefore,this is a control type that should be removed from the legal system.
    • Ítem
      Criterios para obtener la concesión de una patente de invención en el Perú
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-06-01) Arana Courrejolles, María del Carmen
      This article is a casuistry review of technical reports of several filesregarding applications of patent of invention, in the technological fields of biotechnology, pharmaceutics, chemistry and engineering, where in general and specific criteria are identified and extracted on the requirements of clearness and inventive step that are evaluated in the technical report for obtaining a patent of invention in Peru.It is important to note that prior to the review of the investigated technical reports, certain definitions are provided for understanding the requirements of the technical report, such as conciseness, clearness, sufficiency, novelty and inventive step.
    • Ítem
      La regulación del nombre comercial en el Perú: rezago y desafío
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-06-01) Schiantarelli Gonzalez, Juan Pablo
      This paper analyzes the evolution of the regulation of trade names in the Andean Community and Peru, specifically in regard to its scope of protection from the provisions of article 8 of the Paris Convention (CUP). Also from certain rulings by IndecopI and the Court of Justice of the Andean Community, this paper contains a proposal of amendment to Decision 486 of the Andean Community and the legislative decree 1075 to update the regulation of trade names to modern times and ensure that the settlement of disputes involving said legal figure provide predictability and legal certainty.
    • Ítem
      El nombre comercial y su uso por parte de la persona jurídica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-06-01) Pazos Hayashida, Javier Mihail
      This article analyzes the trade name function as a distinctive sign of the economic agents, and the use of it, having in consideration the problems with the confusion between legal entity name, label or business sign, and service mark. Furthermore, it discusses the origin of the exclusive right to a trade name, the proof of its use, and the effects when use of the sign ceases.
    • Ítem
      La convergencia entre el derecho de la competencia y los derechos de propiedad intelectual
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-06-01) Tassano Velaochaga, Hebert Eduardo
      Indecopi has within its functions the defense of free competition and the protection of intellectual property. This institutional design has the advantage of being able to see more clearly what are the points of convergence between the two subject-matter, harmonize them and achieve the goals they have in common. Within this convergence, there are sensitive issues as the granting of compulsory licenses. In this work, we highlight that compulsory licenses are exceptional measures and, to consider its granting, the State must have a procedure that provides confidence and predictability to citizens and clear definitions of what is meant by public interest, emergency and national security. Finally, it is proposed that the granting of compulsory licenses should be justified by a cost benefit analysis showing that is the best choice.
    • Ítem
      Estado sombra: lo inconsciente en las críticas al Estado paternalista desde Carl Jung
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-06-01) Mastro Puccio, Fernando del
      With the present paper we seek to use Carl Jung´s theoretical approach to the “Projection of the Shadow” as a framework to reveal posible unconscious motivations in our critiques to the Government´s paternalistic attitudes and regulations. Our proposal is that certain aspects of ourselves as individuals and society, which we do not like and do not accept (our Shadow), are seen exclusively as attributable to the Government. We argue that this unconscious dynamic limits our understanding of ourselves and prevents us to comprehend the essence of paternalism, both in our relation with the Government and in our daily life. We do not intend to discuss the logical or empirical validity of the arguments against this form of Government but to point out that those arguments might be influence by unconscious motivations.
    • Ítem
      El «juez andino» en temas de propiedad intelectual: aplicación en el ámbito peruano
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial, 2015-06-01) Rejanovinschi Talledo, Moisés
      This paper emphasizes the role of Andean Tribunal of Justice, however disagrees with criteria used to recognize administrative entities such as «national judge» or «Andean judge». If we apply the Tribunal criteria, several administrators of justice in Intellectual Property will be exempt of collaborating with Andean integration.