IUS ET VERITAS. Núm. 50 (2015)

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/183694

Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Feijóo Cambiaso, Raúl Humberto; 19-20

  • Presentación
  • Presentación Hostia Cardeña, Augusto Tomás; 21

  • Artículos
  • Del derecho natural al bienestar social: principios teóricos y aplicaciones prácticas Epstein, Richard A; 23-46
  • Reglas de responsabilidad: Una taxonomía económica Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe; Parisi, Francesco; 48-71
  • La fuerza obligatoria del Contrato Ghestin, Jacques; 72-84
  • ¿Cómo proteger jurídicamente al ser humano si se ignora su estructura existencial? Fernández Sessarego, Carlos; 86-103
  • Leibniz, la Ciencia y el Código Civil Escobar Rozas, Freddy; 104-124
  • Garantía Mobiliaria sobre Créditos Mejorada Chauca, Martin; 126-133
  • Pago de la Prima y Subsistencia del Contrato de Seguro Ortega Piana, Marco Antonio; 134-152
  • Comparando la Norma Anti-elusiva General de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta con la Doctrina de Abuso de Derecho del Civil Law (Parte I) Prebble, Zoë; Prebble, John; 154-173
  • La Transformación del Derecho Moderno y su incidencia en la concepción del Derecho Tributario Durán Rojo, Luis Alberto; 174-203
  • Imputación penal de las personas jurídicas frente al fenómeno de la criminalidad organizada Luggren, Rosana Elizabeth; Oroño, Néstor Antonio; 204-215
  • Lavado de Activos provenientes del Delito Tributario Caro Coria, Dino Carlos; 216-232
  • Corrupción y Arbitraje: A propósito de las Reglas IBA sobre conflictos de intereses Ezcurra Rivero, Huáscar; 234-239
  • Apuntes sobre la causal de anulación de laudos por materia no arbitrable, y su invocación de oficio Arrarte Arisnabarreta, Ana María; 240-255
  • La Regulación de la Asistencia Financiera Ferrero Alvarez-Calderón, Guillermo; Guarniz izquierdo, Antonio; 256-272
  • Exploración minera, compañías mineras junior y aspectos a tomar en cuenta para su promoción Torres Alvarez, Hernán; 274-291
  • Las opiniones consultivas de la Corte Interamericana en el control de convencionalidad Sagüés, Néstor Pedro; 292-297
  • El cambio de sexo y su inscripción en el registro de Identidad Personal. El cambio que el Tribunal Constitucional no se atrevió a aprobar Eguiguren Praeli, Francisco José; 298-312
  • El rango de los Tratados sobre Derechos Humanos Montoya Chávez, Victorhugo; Feijóo Cambiaso, Raúl; 314-343
  • Sobre cuándo se inicia un proceso Priori Posada, Giovanni F; 344-351
  • Medidas Temporalessobre el Fondo(**) Su particularidad en el sistema procesal peruano y su necesaria adecuación como Medida Autosatisfactiva Salas Villalobos, Sergio; 352-367
  • Concepto y Régimen Jurídico del Servicio Público en el Ordenamiento Público Peruano Huapaya Tapia, Ramón; 368-397
  • Arbitraje Laboral Potestativo como Final Offer Arbitration Velásquez Meléndez, Raffo; 398-407

  • Puntos de Vista
  • Incidencia Tributaria del Mercado Integrado Latinoamericano: Alcances y Propuestas Maruy, Camilo; Aroca, Felipe; Torretti, Eduardo; Villaseñor-Tadeo, Guillermo; 408-422

  • Entrevistas
  • El Panorama de la Minería en el Perú. Entrevista a Hernán Torres Alvarez y Sergio Cueva Chauca Cueva Chauca, Sergio; Hostia Cardeña, Augusto; 424-432

  • Trabajo de Investigación
  • El mito de la capacidad contributiva: Breves comentarios sobre la regulación actual del Impuesto a la Renta de Personas Naturales y una propuesta a futuro Meneses Morales, Indhira; Napán Zamora, Johanny Mayte; Valverde Casas, Nicolás Alejandro; 434-449
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 27
    • Ítem
      La Regulación de la Asistencia Financiera
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Ferrero Alvarez-Calderón, Guillermo; Guarniz izquierdo, Antonio
      This article focuses on the study of a corporate rather, that is a controversial topic: the acquisitions of shares counting on leveraged buyouts. t his has led to increased specialized investment funds, as in Peru, they use these operations to develop their activities. However, the current situation has not been overlooked by the regulation, since this has imposed certain restrictions. After analyzing the phenomenon of leveraged buyouts, the article makes an analysis of the actual regulation to finally provide a possible alternative regulation.
    • Ítem
      Sobre cuándo se inicia un proceso
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Priori Posada, Giovanni F.
      This article explains when a judicial process starts, involving the exercise of fundamental procedural rights under the theory that is handled. Analyzing the current Peruvian legislation allows the author to conclude what concept or theory has chosen our Procedural Code. recognizing when the process starts, it is also mentioned that judicial protection must be even before any process.
    • Ítem
      La fuerza obligatoria del Contrato
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Ghestin, Jacques
      The author begins this article focusing on how historically the contract has reached such binding; from its philosophical origins, through his word to a matter of loyalty to Christian morality; to attribute the quality of certainty as contribution to the economy and become an indispensable legal instrument of forecasting for relations between individuals. Finally, in the second part of this article, essential applications mainly include contract between both parties and to third parties, also seeking the role of judge.
    • Ítem
      El Panorama de la Minería en el Perú. Entrevista a Hernán Torres Alvarez y Sergio Cueva Chauca
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Cueva Chauca, Sergio; Hostia Cardeña, Augusto
      In this interview, the authors explain about the importance and current panorama of the mining activity in Peru, that has generated great benefits for this country. Furthermore, they discussed the major internal and external problems facing the mining industry in the country, and the ways in which these problems have been resolved through new laws. Finally, they give importance to the changes occurring in the international panorama, and that affect the internal mining industry of each country.
    • Ítem
      Comparando la Norma Anti-elusiva General de la Ley del Impuesto a la Renta con la Doctrina de Abuso de Derecho del Civil Law (Parte I)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Prebble, Zoë; Prebble, John
      This paper compares the general anti-avoidance rule of incometax law with the Civil Law doctrine of abuse of law (Rechtsmissbrauch, abusde droit) in eight jurisdictions: Germany, Croatia, New Zealand, Australia, France, the e uropean u nion, the u nited s tates and the United Kingdom. The paper addresses the statutory and judge-made general anti-avoidance rules in these jurisdictions and deals with the core concept of avoidance an on how these eight jurisdictions either frustrate avoidance or allow it.
    • Ítem
      Apuntes sobre la causal de anulación de laudos por materia no arbitrable, y su invocación de oficio
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Arrarte Arisnabarreta, Ana María
      This paper analyzes mainly the figure of the annulment of an arbitratien award for having ruled on a non-arbitrable matters and the power of judges to invoke this ground of trade. With that purpose , this paper also consider some important legal concepts as the nullity, the arbitrability and public order as well as the Peruvian Arbitration Act and the grounds for annulment of awards which is expected.
    • Ítem
      El rango de los Tratados sobre Derechos Humanos
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Montoya Chávez, Victorhugo; Feijóo Cambiaso, Raúl
      An issue that has sparked heated debate over the years is undoubtedly the hierarchy of international treaties in the Peruvian legal system. the critical point is whether these treaties have Constitutional status. thus, the authors seek the answer based on the hierarchy of laws and how Human Rights Treaties are defined nowadays. Furthermore, they analyze the arguments defending their constitutional status in order to arrive to a firm conclusion that considers the globalization process that Law is going through.
    • Ítem
      Reglas de responsabilidad: Una taxonomía económica
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Dari-Mattiacci, Giuseppe; Parisi, Francesco
      The analysis of tort law is one of the most well-developed applications of economic methodology in the study of law. in this essay, we provide an overview of the economic approach to tort law, analyzing the effects of liability rules on care incentives. We catalogue a variety of possible tort regimes, systematically breaking down possible assignments of liability in terms of primary and secondary rules, and describe how their permutations distribute the costs of accidents (and the concomitant incentives to exercise precautionary care). We further consider what factual circumstances may render one tort regime preferable to another from the perspective of policymakers.
    • Ítem
      Incidencia Tributaria del Mercado Integrado Latinoamericano: Alcances y Propuestas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Maruy, Camilo; Aroca, Felipe; Torretti, Eduardo; Villaseñor-Tadeo, Guillermo
      In the present round table, tax specialists from Peru, Colombia, Chile and Mexico discuss about the tax reforms carried out and outstanding in their respective countries on the tax treatment of capital gain within the framework of the Latin American integrated Market.
    • Ítem
      Pago de la Prima y Subsistencia del Contrato de Seguro
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015) Ortega Piana, Marco Antonio
      This article addresses the issue referred to the remedies of the insurance contract for the non-payment of the premium. t hrough an analysis of the previous and current legislation, the author examines the consequences of the non-payment of the insurance premium in the contractual relationship. By recognizing the protective nature of the legislation in favor of the insured as the weak party, three specific contractual remedies are identified: The suspension of coverage, the termination of the contract and the the extinction of the contractual relationship by inaction of the parties.