IUS ET VERITAS. Núm. 55 (2017)

URI permanente para esta colecciónhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14657/183689

Tabla de Contenido

  • Editorial Flores Molina, Angel Martín; 13-14
  • Presentación Puchuri, Flavio; 15

  • Sección principal
  • Aspectos problemáticos en los inmuebles sujetos a dominio fiduciario: tratamiento del impuesto de alcabala y las medidas cautelares Pozo Sánchez, Julio; Ormeño Flores, Carolina; 16-28
  • El futuro del Derecho del Trabajo Quiñones, Sergio; 30-41
  • Los niños y las niñas en la guerra: Respuestas desde el Derecho Internacional frente a los crímenes de reclutamiento de niñas y niños soldados y violencia sexual Reyes Menéndez, Valeria; 42-62
  • Poder y violencia en las comunidades indígenas brasileñas Wenczenovicz, Thaís Janaina; 64-73
  • Apuntes en torno a las prácticas antisindicales: ¿Es realmente posible probarlas? Vilchez Garcés, Lidia; 74-88
  • Trans*legalidades: Estudio preliminar de expedientes sobre reconocimiento de las identidades trans* en el Perú Zelada, Carlos J; Neyra Sevilla, Carolina; 90-111
  • Alcances para una respuesta jurídica integral al comercio ilegal de oro Valverde Luna, Vanessa Sofía; Collantes Añaños, Diego Alonso; 128-151
  • La aplicación de otros métodos de valoración en el régimen de precios de transferencia Loayza Jordán, Fernando; La Rosa Almenara, Martín; 152-161
  • ¿Qué es una resolución judicial? Un breve estudio analítico para el derecho procesal civil peruano Cavani, Renzo; 112-127

  • Sección Especial
  • Algunas reflexiones sobre Chiovenda y su legado para Latinoamérica: Laudatio Pérez Ragone, Álvaro; 162-175
  • Apuntes sobre el arbitraje en China y el reconocimiento de laudos Tam Pérez, José; Martinez Zúñiga, Claudia; 176-183
  • Grandes riesgos e información tergiversada e incompleta Núñez del Prado Simons, Alonso; 184-196
  • Aplicación de la Convención de Nueva York por las cortes Lationamericanas Cantuarias Salaverry, Fernando; Repetto Deville, Jose Luis; 198-222
  • Legítima, ¿Pars hereditatis o pars bonorum? Aguilar Llanos, Benjamín; 224-235
  • Una necesidad imprescindible: Desterrar definitivamente el régimen de responsabilidad objetiva del infraccional aduanero Varela, Andrés; 236-254
  • Análisis de los TLC suscritos con los países asiáticos - Facilitación del Comercio y Procedimientos Aduaneros Guadalupe Báscones, Julio; 256-283
  • Extensión de los Convenios Colectivos de Trabajo y Sindicatos Minoritarios Toyama Miyagusuku, Jorge; Torres, Alfredo; 284-302
  • Explorar

    Resultados de Búsqueda

    Mostrando 1 - 10 de 19
    • Ítem
      Grandes riesgos e información tergiversada e incompleta
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-04) Núñez del Prado Simons, Alonso
      The author analyzes the European concept of ‘Large Risk’, a subject which has been misunderstood in Latin America. He defend the Peruvian alternative that prefer the Judicial Review instead of the amount limits; and criticize the Project presented in the Peruvian Congress which pretends the second one, following the Chilean law that has deformed –in his opinion– the original (European) idea.
    • Ítem
      El futuro del Derecho del Trabajo
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-04) Quiñones, Sergio
      The premise of this paper is that the future of work will define the future of Labour Law, since work is indeed the main object of regulation of such legal discipline. From this perspective, we analyze the mega trends identified by the International Labour Organization that will continue to impact the world of work: globalization, the increase in the dependency rate, technological innovation and, above all, climate change. Likewise, the article addresses the main labor problems still facing Latin American countries, as well as the challenges that are presented in the near future to Peru in order to close the gap between the amount of employment generated in the country and the quality of said employment.
    • Ítem
      Poder y violencia en las comunidades indígenas brasileñas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-04) Wenczenovicz, Thaís Janaina
      The purpose of this study is understand the violence against indigenous peoples in contemporary Brazil, it is necessary from a systemic and long-term analysis, considering their interrelationship with power. Power used in the process of occupation and settlement, in the disputes over land, or in the process of settlement, acculturation and assimilation. For this analysis it is necessary to understand the violence from the Colonialidade of power, with the independence of the colonies of the Iberian Empires, the colonial power remained.
    • Ítem
      Presentación. IUS ET VERITAS; Núm. 55 (2017)
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-05) Puchuri, Flavio
      No presenta resumen
    • Ítem
      Una necesidad imprescindible: Desterrar definitivamente el régimen de responsabilidad objetiva del infraccional aduanero
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-04) Varela, Andrés
      This paper analyzes the strict liability system surviving in customs infringement procedures, the grounds for its existence or survival and its consequences. Also, the arguments against such system of liability attribution are examined. Thus, from such starting point, through a precise enumeration of statutory rebuttable presumptions whose intention can be presumed whenever it is difficult for Tax Authorities to prove such presumptions, I intend to find legal solutions to determine the grounds for its replacement without affecting the rights of the relevant individuals or legal entities when the customs infringements are decided.
    • Ítem
      Alcances para una respuesta jurídica integral al comercio ilegal de oro
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-04) Valverde Luna, Vanessa Sofía; Collantes Añaños, Diego Alonso
      This paper pretends to analyze the functioning and the limitations of some legal tools that the Peruvian state has posed as a part of his normative answer to the grave phenomenon of illegal gold mining, organized form of criminality whose utilities have surpassed the ones of drug trafficking. With this purpose, two axes of analysis has been proposed with incidence upon the illegal commercialization of gold: (i) the criminal tools, which specifically involve the crimes of illegal mining, clandestine commerce and money laundering; and (ii) the administrative tools, which involve the Legislative Decrees N° 1103 and 1107, the Supreme Decrees N° 012-2012-EM and N° 17-2009-MTC, among others. The authors have noticed several legislative policy errors in these elements and therefore implement recommendations to increase the global effectiveness of the regulation.
    • Ítem
      Los niños y las niñas en la guerra: Respuestas desde el Derecho Internacional frente a los crímenes de reclutamiento de niñas y niños soldados y violencia sexual
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-04) Reyes Menéndez, Valeria
      Around the world, the armed conflicts of recent years have been characterized by including the participation of child soldiers. Children, due to the vulnerability of their short age, suffer in a special manner of the war effects, and often their human rights are violated irreversibly. International Law has a duty to provide effective answers to tackle this situation, ensuring that children can be protected against those risks and that their rights can be guaranteed.
    • Ítem
      Análisis de los TLC suscritos con los países asiáticos - Facilitación del Comercio y Procedimientos Aduaneros
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-04) Guadalupe Báscones, Julio
      The opening of Peru to foreign markets in the past 20 years is a consequence of the signature of several Free Trade Agreements (FTA) with our main partners in business, both on a bilateral and multilateral level. In this article, on the one hand, important changes to customs regulations concerning obligations arose from the signature of several FTA will be analyzed and, on the other hand, a comparative analysis regarding regulations about facilitation of commerce and customs procedures contained in FTA signed with our main Asian partners in business will be developed.
    • Ítem
      Aplicación de la Convención de Nueva York por las cortes Lationamericanas
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-04) Cantuarias Salaverry, Fernando; Repetto Deville, Jose Luis
      Through this paper, the authors comment on the application of the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, approved in New York on June 10, 1958, through the review of the most relevant case-law of the main jurisdictions in arbitration in Latin America. The following article provides a review of the different ground for refusal of recognition that a party can use to oppose the recognition of an award, revealing the criteria used by the courts to enforce or deny recognition of a foreign award.
    • Ítem
      Extensión de los Convenios Colectivos de Trabajo y Sindicatos Minoritarios
      (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-04-04) Toyama Miyagusuku, Jorge; Torres, Alfredo
      This paper is about a current Collective Labour Law matter of debate, which is the provenance of the extension of collective labour agreements of minority unions in favor of the non-unionized workers. To start, the authors point the constitutional basis of the Collective Labour Law.Likewise, they refer that exists a strong dualism regarding the acceptance of the extension of the collective agreements signed by a minority union. They arrive to this conclusion after reviewing some of the Peruvian Labour case law, as well as some administrative pronouncements on this field. Finally, they conclude saying that is possible that the collective agreement it be extended, provided that the right of union freedom is not affected.