Evaluación de las competencias del área de matemática. Una revisión de la literatura.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estudio con enfoque cualitativo se basa en una revisión de la literatura
para una aproximación al tema de la evaluación de las competencias del área de
matemática en la Educación Básica Regular –EBR y toma como insumos distintas
publicaciones sobre el tema en los últimos años, tanto en español como en inglés.
El objetivo general es analizar el proceso de evaluación de las competencias del
área de Matemática, a partir de la revisión de investigaciones realizadas en los
últimos cinco años. Los objetivos específicos son, describir la resolución de
problemas como estrategia para realizar la evaluación de las competencias del área
de Matemática y describir los instrumentos utilizados para realizar la evaluación de
las competencias del área de Matemática. La investigación plantea dos categorías
de estudio, la resolución de problemas como estrategia de evaluación de
competencias matemáticas y los instrumentos utilizados. Entre los resultados más
resaltantes están la coincidencia encontrada referida a la resolución de problemas
como la mejor estrategia para medir el logro de una competencia matemática.
Además, el uso de rúbricas como el instrumento utilizado con mayor frecuencia
para evaluar competencias.
The qualitative study is based on a literature review to approach the topic of assessing competencies in the area of mathematics in Regular Basic Education (EBR). It draws upon various publications on the subject in both Spanish and English over the past few years. The general objective is to analyze the process of assessing competencies in the field of Mathematics through a review of research conducted in the last five years. The specific objectives are to describe problemsolving as a strategy for assessing competencies in the field of Mathematics and to outline the instruments used for this assessment. The research presents two study categories: problem-solving as a strategy for evaluating mathematical competencies and the utilized assessment instruments. Among the most notable findings is the identified consensus regarding problem-solving as the most effective strategy for measuring the achievement of a mathematical competence. Furthermore, rubrics emerge as the most frequently used tool for evaluating competencies.
The qualitative study is based on a literature review to approach the topic of assessing competencies in the area of mathematics in Regular Basic Education (EBR). It draws upon various publications on the subject in both Spanish and English over the past few years. The general objective is to analyze the process of assessing competencies in the field of Mathematics through a review of research conducted in the last five years. The specific objectives are to describe problemsolving as a strategy for assessing competencies in the field of Mathematics and to outline the instruments used for this assessment. The research presents two study categories: problem-solving as a strategy for evaluating mathematical competencies and the utilized assessment instruments. Among the most notable findings is the identified consensus regarding problem-solving as the most effective strategy for measuring the achievement of a mathematical competence. Furthermore, rubrics emerge as the most frequently used tool for evaluating competencies.
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