Las Expropiaciones Indirectas en Materia de Inversiones Como Consecuencia del Ejercicio de la Potestad Regulatoria y su Relación con la Responsabilidad Patrimonial de la Administración Pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente artículo, se destaca el fomento de la participación del sector privado en el desarrollo de infraestructura para la prestación de servicios públicos, a través de instrumentos ideados para una actuación conjunta de los sectores privado y público. Bajo ese contexto, toman como punto de partida a la gobernanza corporativa como una actuación eficiente del Estado, en tanto implica una variación de la concepción de los roles estatales y no estatales en materia de inversión en la prestación de servicios públicos, considerando a los actores públicos y privados como una conjunción cooperante con la formulación y la ejecución de políticas públicas.En ese contexto, los autores desarrollan y analizan tareas pendientes en materia del ejercicio de la potestad reguladora y su relación con la responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado que, desde su perspectiva, deben también tenerse en cuenta para la efectividad de la gobernanza corporativa.
In this article the authors highlight the promotion of private sector participation in infrastructure development for the provision of public services, through joint actiondesigned for the private and public sector instruments. Under that context, they take asa starting point the figure of corporate governance, as an efficient state action, because itinvolves a change in the conception of the state and non-state roles in investment in publicservices, considering the actors public and private, as a cooperating conjunction with theformulation and implementation of public policies.In this context, the authors develop and analyze pending tasks in the exercise of regulatoryauthority and its relation to the patrimonial liability of the State, which in their view must also be taken into account for the effectiveness of corporate governance.
In this article the authors highlight the promotion of private sector participation in infrastructure development for the provision of public services, through joint actiondesigned for the private and public sector instruments. Under that context, they take asa starting point the figure of corporate governance, as an efficient state action, because itinvolves a change in the conception of the state and non-state roles in investment in publicservices, considering the actors public and private, as a cooperating conjunction with theformulation and implementation of public policies.In this context, the authors develop and analyze pending tasks in the exercise of regulatoryauthority and its relation to the patrimonial liability of the State, which in their view must also be taken into account for the effectiveness of corporate governance.
Palabras clave
Law, Public services, Private sector, Public policy, Regulatory authority, Patrimonial state liability, Public private partnerships, Environmental regulation, Principle of Sustainability, Servicios públicos, Sector privado, Políticas públicas, Potestad regulatoria, Responsabilidad patrimonial del estado, Asociaciones público privadas, Regulación ambiental, Principio de sustentabilidad
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