Indicador de sostenibilidad para la selección y evaluación de proveedores de servicios de telecomunicaciones de Entel
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las empresas organizadas de más de 500 empleados, con cierto grado de madurez y cultura
organizacional, suelen disponer de planes, políticas y normas que le permiten una gestión
sostenible dentro de sus propias fronteras. Sin embargo, en el contexto BANI del entorno
empresarial, exacerbado por los efectos de la pandemia, han visto como su cadena de
suministros se vuelven vulnerables y sin herramientas para responder a una ausencia
disruptiva de bienes y servicios. Esta situación se acentúa en empresas de telecomunicaciones
donde la demanda del servicio ha crecido de manera exponencial y requieren de una
infraestructura amplia y costosa para poder cubrirla.
Ante esta situación, las empresas han optado por tener un fuerte soporte de proveedores
estratégicos que, siendo PYME, han crecido tecnológicamente y dan una propuesta de valor
atractiva, rápida y eficaz. Sin embargo, el crecimiento orgánico de éstas las lleva a
desempeñarse bajo un esquema de bajo nivel de cumplimiento en cuanto a aspectos de
sostenibilidad, lo cual no es socialmente responsable y sostenible.
En consecuencia, en esta consultoría se desarrolló una modelo que permite establecer un
indicador de sostenibilidad mediante evaluación del proveedor y su posterior selección bajo
los criterios de sostenibilidad planteados en la ISO 20400. Utilizando métodos de toma de
decisiones multicriterio (MCDM), permite elegir entre varias alternativas, las que mejor
responden a los criterios establecidos, de esta forma se tiene una herramienta que ayuda a
definir el desarrollo de las PYME que soportan a las grandes empresas estableciendo los
elementos de mayor criticidad y prioridad de atención. Además, que las vuelve más
competitivas, innovadoras, y ambiental y socialmente sostenibles. Esta propuesta es viable,
deseable, factible y relacionada con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 8, 9 y 13,
favoreciendo al entorno y a la sociedad. Con una inversión de S/. 77.38 k genera un VAN de
S/. 248.4 k y un TIR de 34% en el peor escenario, así como un VAN social de US$ 384.4 k.
Organized companies with more than 500 employees, with a certain degree of maturity and organizational culture, usually have plans, policies and standards that allow sustainable management within their own borders. However, in the BANI context of the business environment, exacerbated by the effects of the pandemic, they have seen their supply chain become vulnerable and without tools to respond to a disruptive absence of goods and services. This situation is accentuated in telecommunications companies where the demand for the service has grown exponentially and requires a large and expensive infrastructure to be able to cover it. Faced with this situation, companies have chosen to have strong support from strategic suppliers who, being SMEs, have grown technologically and provide an attractive, fast and effective value proposition. However, their organic growth leads them to perform under a scheme of low level of compliance in terms of sustainability aspects, which is not socially responsible and sustainable. Consequently, in this consultancy a model was developed that allows establishing a sustainability indicator by evaluating the supplier and its subsequent selection under the sustainability criteria established in ISO 20400. Using multi-criteria decision-making methods (MCDM), it allows choosing Among several alternatives, those that best respond to the established criteria, in this way there is a tool that helps define the development of SMEs that support large companies, establishing the elements of greatest criticality and priority of attention. In addition, it makes them more competitive, innovative, and environmentally and socially sustainable. This proposal is viable, desirable, feasible and related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8, 9 and 13, favoring the environment and society. With an investment of S/. 77.38 k it generates a NPV of S/. 248.4k and an IRR of 34% in the worst scenario, as well as a social NPV of US$ 384.4 k.
Organized companies with more than 500 employees, with a certain degree of maturity and organizational culture, usually have plans, policies and standards that allow sustainable management within their own borders. However, in the BANI context of the business environment, exacerbated by the effects of the pandemic, they have seen their supply chain become vulnerable and without tools to respond to a disruptive absence of goods and services. This situation is accentuated in telecommunications companies where the demand for the service has grown exponentially and requires a large and expensive infrastructure to be able to cover it. Faced with this situation, companies have chosen to have strong support from strategic suppliers who, being SMEs, have grown technologically and provide an attractive, fast and effective value proposition. However, their organic growth leads them to perform under a scheme of low level of compliance in terms of sustainability aspects, which is not socially responsible and sustainable. Consequently, in this consultancy a model was developed that allows establishing a sustainability indicator by evaluating the supplier and its subsequent selection under the sustainability criteria established in ISO 20400. Using multi-criteria decision-making methods (MCDM), it allows choosing Among several alternatives, those that best respond to the established criteria, in this way there is a tool that helps define the development of SMEs that support large companies, establishing the elements of greatest criticality and priority of attention. In addition, it makes them more competitive, innovative, and environmentally and socially sustainable. This proposal is viable, desirable, feasible and related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8, 9 and 13, favoring the environment and society. With an investment of S/. 77.38 k it generates a NPV of S/. 248.4k and an IRR of 34% in the worst scenario, as well as a social NPV of US$ 384.4 k.
Palabras clave
Redes de comunicación, Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (Perú), Telefonía--Perú, Proveedores--Selección--Manuales, Sostenibilidad empresarial
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