Las relaciones entre el Perú y el Imperio ruso a la luz de los archivos diplomáticos (1860-1917)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Si bien el establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas —a nivel de embajadas— se dio en 1969, las relaciones bilaterales ruso-peruanas se remontaban aproximadamente un siglo atrás. Reticente a reconocer, en sus inicios, la independencia de los países de la otrora América española, el Imperio ruso experimentó, bajo el reinado del zar Alejandro II, un cambio en su política exterior respecto a las jóvenes naciones sudamericanas.
Although the establishment of diplomatic relations —at the Embassies’ level— took place in 1969, the Russo-Peruvian bilateral relations went back approximately a century ago. Reluctant to recognize, in the beginning, the independence of the countries of the former Spanish America, the Russian Empire underwent, during the reign of Tsar Alexander II, a change in its foreign policy with respect to the young South American nations.
Although the establishment of diplomatic relations —at the Embassies’ level— took place in 1969, the Russo-Peruvian bilateral relations went back approximately a century ago. Reluctant to recognize, in the beginning, the independence of the countries of the former Spanish America, the Russian Empire underwent, during the reign of Tsar Alexander II, a change in its foreign policy with respect to the young South American nations.
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