La importancia del mar en la religión de la cultura Lima. Una propuesta interdisciplinaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En este artículo, se propone la existencia de un culto dedicado a una divinidad marina de género femenino, durante el periodo Intermedio Temprano (200-700 d.C.) de la Costa Central del Perú. La investigación está basada en evidenciaarqueológica relacionada a contextos de actividad ritual así como en datos etnohistóricos, etnográficos y lingüísticos que avalan esta propuesta. Una diosa del mar, con una corte de seres marinos, vinculada a los aspectos femeninos del cosmos pudo tener uno de sus centros de adoración en Huaca Pucllana; la abundancia de representaciones figurativas y simbólicas ligadas al mar, el rol social de la mujer y la importancia de los recursos marinos respaldan esta propuesta. Cabe resaltar que este culto, de alguna manera, logró trascender el ocaso de la cultura Lima y permaneció durante parte del Periodo Horizonte Medio.
This article proposes the existence of a cult dedicated to a female sea deity on the Central Coast of Peru during the Early Intermediate Period (200-700 AD). This research is based on archaeological evidence of ritual activity as well as ethnohistoric, ethnographic, and linguistic data that supports the proposal. A goddess of the sea, with a court of marine life, linked to the feminine aspects of the cosmos could have had Huaca Pucllana as one of its centers of worship, with the abundance of figurative and symbolic marine representations, as well as the evidence for the social role of women and the importance of marine resources. It is worth noting that this cult somehow managed to transcend the decline of Limaculture and achieve cultural permanence into the Middle Horizon.
This article proposes the existence of a cult dedicated to a female sea deity on the Central Coast of Peru during the Early Intermediate Period (200-700 AD). This research is based on archaeological evidence of ritual activity as well as ethnohistoric, ethnographic, and linguistic data that supports the proposal. A goddess of the sea, with a court of marine life, linked to the feminine aspects of the cosmos could have had Huaca Pucllana as one of its centers of worship, with the abundance of figurative and symbolic marine representations, as well as the evidence for the social role of women and the importance of marine resources. It is worth noting that this cult somehow managed to transcend the decline of Limaculture and achieve cultural permanence into the Middle Horizon.
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