Siete notas andinas para pensar la ética
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de Ciencias de la Naturaleza, Territorio y Energías Renovables (INTE-PUCP)
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El artículo propone siete anotaciones que provienen de las concepciones y prácticas andinas, las que buscan contribuir a la reflexión sobre el sentido que tiene la ética en estos tiempos, tomando en cuenta la lengua quechua actual. En esta perspectiva, el artículo propone que la ética (yachakuy) es una práctica reflexiva permanente que está inserta en la historia actual andina, allí donde las personas conviven con la naturaleza y hacen historia en la medida que consideran el cuidado mutuo y la responsabilidad humana como indispensables para que haya una convivencia y verdadera paz.
The article proposes seven annotations that come from Andean conceptions and practices, which seek to contribute to the reflection on the meaning that ethics has in these times, taking into account the current Quechua language. In this perspective, the article proposes that ethics (yachakuy) is a permanent reflexive practice that is inserted in the current Andean history, where people live with nature and make history to the extent that it considers mutual care and human responsibility as indispensable for a coexistence and true peace.
The article proposes seven annotations that come from Andean conceptions and practices, which seek to contribute to the reflection on the meaning that ethics has in these times, taking into account the current Quechua language. In this perspective, the article proposes that ethics (yachakuy) is a permanent reflexive practice that is inserted in the current Andean history, where people live with nature and make history to the extent that it considers mutual care and human responsibility as indispensable for a coexistence and true peace.
Palabras clave
Ethics, Andean world, Cultural diversity, Human responsability, Ética, Mundo Andino, Diversidad Cultural, Responsabilidad Humana
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