Plan de marketing digital para la captación de consultores Natura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Natura es una empresa multinacional brasileña dedicada al rubro de la fabricación y
comercialización de productos cosméticos. Desde 1974 la empresa adopta el modelo de venta
directa, modelo que todavía sigue siendo el principal canal de ventas en diversos países,
incluso en el Perú. Con el incremento del acceso y uso del internet y redes sociales, surge la
necesidad de ampliar la presencia de Natura en los medios digitales, buscando así captar
nuevos consultores para trabajar las marcas de la empresa. Natura tiene una fuerte
competencia en el país por parte de empresas locales con años de tradición, Belcorp y
Unique, las cuales ya explotan los canales digitales en sus estrategias de reclutamiento de
consultores y vienen creciendo de manera sostenible.
En este estudio se presenta el Plan de Marketing Digital para la Captación de
Consultores Natura, el cual tiene como objetivo expandir su red de consultores y llegar a
nuevos mercados y consumidores peruanos, por tal motivo la presente tesis no aplica para
realizar un estudio de benchmarking digital en los países que Natura opera, por lo cual la
metodología se basa en el Proceso Estratégico del Dr. Fernando D’Alessio. La investigación
refuerza la importancia de la omnicanalidad, integrando los canales virtuales y físicos en el
proceso de captación de nuevos consultores, de manera a garantizar un proceso ágil y
efectivo. El marketing digital se presenta como una potente herramienta para comunicar la
propuesta de valor de la empresa junto a este público, de manera dinámica y rentable. El
estudio concluye que la estrategia de marketing digital puede apoyar la empresa a lograr sus
objetivos de marketing, y crecer el canal de venta directa a través de los medios digitales, si
se sigue las pautas del marketing digital indicado. Por otro lado, resalta la importancia de
adecuar toda la empresa para esta nueva era, empezando por sus procesos y estructura
interna. También enfatiza la necesidad de monitoreo y ajuste frecuente de este plan, una vez
que el canal digital es dinámico y suele cambiar a una gran velocidad.
Natura is a Brazilian multinational company dedicated to the manufacturing and marketing of cosmetic products. Since 1974 the company adopts the direct sales model, a model that is still the main sales channel in many countries, including in Peru. With the increase in access and use of the internet and social networks, there is a need to expand the presence of Natura in digital channels, seeking to attract new consultants to work the company's brands. Natura has strong competition in the country by local companies with years of tradition, Belcorp and Unique, which already exploit digital channels in their recruitment strategies for consultants and are growing sustainably. This study presents the Digital Marketing Plan for the Recruitment of Natura Consultants, which aims to expand its network of consultants and reach new markets and Peruvian consumers. For this reason this thesis does not apply to conduct a digital benchmarking study in the countries that Natura operate, the methodology is based on the Strategic Process of Dr. Fernando D’Alessio. The research reinforces the importance of omnichannel, integrating virtual and physical channels in the process of attracting new consultants, in order to guarantee an agile and effective process. Digital marketing is presented as a powerful tool to communicate the value proposition of the company with this public, in a dynamic and profitable way. The study concludes that the digital marketing strategy can support the company to achieve its marketing objectives, and grow the direct sales channel through digital media, if the indicated digital marketing guidelines are followed. On the other hand, it highlights the importance of adapting the entire company for this new era, starting with its processes and internal structure. It also emphasizes the need for frequent monitoring and adjustment of this plan, once the digital channel is dynamic and usually changes at a high speed.
Natura is a Brazilian multinational company dedicated to the manufacturing and marketing of cosmetic products. Since 1974 the company adopts the direct sales model, a model that is still the main sales channel in many countries, including in Peru. With the increase in access and use of the internet and social networks, there is a need to expand the presence of Natura in digital channels, seeking to attract new consultants to work the company's brands. Natura has strong competition in the country by local companies with years of tradition, Belcorp and Unique, which already exploit digital channels in their recruitment strategies for consultants and are growing sustainably. This study presents the Digital Marketing Plan for the Recruitment of Natura Consultants, which aims to expand its network of consultants and reach new markets and Peruvian consumers. For this reason this thesis does not apply to conduct a digital benchmarking study in the countries that Natura operate, the methodology is based on the Strategic Process of Dr. Fernando D’Alessio. The research reinforces the importance of omnichannel, integrating virtual and physical channels in the process of attracting new consultants, in order to guarantee an agile and effective process. Digital marketing is presented as a powerful tool to communicate the value proposition of the company with this public, in a dynamic and profitable way. The study concludes that the digital marketing strategy can support the company to achieve its marketing objectives, and grow the direct sales channel through digital media, if the indicated digital marketing guidelines are followed. On the other hand, it highlights the importance of adapting the entire company for this new era, starting with its processes and internal structure. It also emphasizes the need for frequent monitoring and adjustment of this plan, once the digital channel is dynamic and usually changes at a high speed.