Obligaciones, compromisos y responsabilidades ambientales en las actividades del sector electricidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El autor presenta un recuento de las principales obligaciones legales que actualmente existen y son aplicables a las empresas de electricidad, así como las normas que son empleadas como parte de las actividades de supervisión ambiental efectuadas por el Organismo de Evaluación y Supervisión Ambiental (OEFA). Otro aspecto desarrollado se refiere al cumplimiento de los compromisos ambientales y la posibilidad de la aparición de problemas sociales o aplicación de sanciones gubernamentales por su incumplimiento. Finalmente, se desarrolla el tema de responsabilidad social ambiental, incluyendo la percepción del proyecto por partedel poblador versus el cumplimiento de las obligaciones y compromisos de la empresa.
The author presents a recount of the principal legal obligations that are applied to electricity companies as well as the legal norms that are used as part of the environmental monitoring activity by the Agency for the assessment and environmental control - OEFA. Also the author develops the fulfillment of environmental commitments and the possibility of social problems or the application of sanctions due to their non-compliance. Finally, the author develops the theme of social-environmental responsibility, including the settler´s perception of the project against the fulfillment of obligations and commitments by the company.
The author presents a recount of the principal legal obligations that are applied to electricity companies as well as the legal norms that are used as part of the environmental monitoring activity by the Agency for the assessment and environmental control - OEFA. Also the author develops the fulfillment of environmental commitments and the possibility of social problems or the application of sanctions due to their non-compliance. Finally, the author develops the theme of social-environmental responsibility, including the settler´s perception of the project against the fulfillment of obligations and commitments by the company.
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