Conocimiento sobre juegos verbales de docentes de educación inicial en instituciones educativas de Lima, Huancayo y Arequipa – 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar las diferencias en
el conocimiento sobre juegos verbales entre las docentes de educación
inicial de instituciones educativas públicas y privadas de Lima, Huancayo y
Arequipa. La investigación es de tipo básica. El método empleado es
descriptivo y el diseño no experimental - transversal. La muestra está
conformada por 111 docentes de educación inicial de instituciones
educativas públicas y privadas de las ciudades de Lima, Huancayo y
Arequipa. La técnica utilizada para recolectar información es la encuesta y el
instrumento de recolección de datos utilizado es un cuestionario virtual de
conocimiento sobre los juegos verbales, con 21 ítems que abarca las
dimensiones: trabalenguas, adivinanzas, canciones y rimas. El cual está
debidamente validado a través de juicios de expertos. A partir de los
resultados obtenidos se concluye que las docentes de nivel inicial de las
instituciones educativas públicas y privadas de las ciudades de Lima,
Huancayo y Arequipa, no presentan diferencias significativas en el nivel de
conocimiento sobre juegos verbales. Asimismo, los niveles de conocimiento
sobre juegos verbales de las docentes de inicial de instituciones educativas
públicas tanto en Lima como en Huancayo se ubican en un nivel promedio,
mientras que el mayor porcentaje de las docentes de Arequipa se ubican en
el nivel alto. De la misma manera, el nivel de conocimiento sobre juegos
verbales del 50% de las docentes de inicial de instituciones educativas
privadas de Arequipa se ubican en un nivel alto.
The objective of this research is to determine the differences in knowledge about verbal games between early education teachers from public and private educational institutions in Lima, Huancayo and Arequipa. The research is basic. The method used is descriptive and the design is nonexperimental - transversal. The sample is made up of 111 early education teachers from public and private educational institutions in the cities of Lima, Huancayo and Arequipa. The technique used to collect information is the survey and the data collection instrument used is a virtual knowledge questionnaire about verbal games, with 21 items that covers the dimensions: tongue twisters, riddles, songs and rhymes. Which is duly validated through expert judgments. From the results obtained, it is concluded that initial level teachers from public and private educational institutions in the cities of Lima, Huancayo and Arequipa do not present significant differences in the level of knowledge about verbal games. Likewise, the levels of knowledge about verbal games of the initial teachers of public educational institutions in both Lima and Huancayo are located at an average level, while the highest percentage of teachers in Arequipa are located at the high level. In the same way, the level of knowledge about verbal games of 50% of the initial teachers of private educational institutions in Arequipa is at a high level.
The objective of this research is to determine the differences in knowledge about verbal games between early education teachers from public and private educational institutions in Lima, Huancayo and Arequipa. The research is basic. The method used is descriptive and the design is nonexperimental - transversal. The sample is made up of 111 early education teachers from public and private educational institutions in the cities of Lima, Huancayo and Arequipa. The technique used to collect information is the survey and the data collection instrument used is a virtual knowledge questionnaire about verbal games, with 21 items that covers the dimensions: tongue twisters, riddles, songs and rhymes. Which is duly validated through expert judgments. From the results obtained, it is concluded that initial level teachers from public and private educational institutions in the cities of Lima, Huancayo and Arequipa do not present significant differences in the level of knowledge about verbal games. Likewise, the levels of knowledge about verbal games of the initial teachers of public educational institutions in both Lima and Huancayo are located at an average level, while the highest percentage of teachers in Arequipa are located at the high level. In the same way, the level of knowledge about verbal games of 50% of the initial teachers of private educational institutions in Arequipa is at a high level.
Palabras clave
Juegos educativos--Metodología, Innovaciones educativas--Investigaciones--Perú, Formación profesional de maestros
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