Diagnóstico operativo empresarial de Amcor Flexibles Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La industria del plástico ha tomado mucha importancia en la actividad económica a
nivel mundial sobre todo en la producción de envases y empaques. Actualmente el mercado
de envases que más crece en el sector plástico es la categoría de envases flexibles el cual
ofrece todo tipo de soluciones como bolsas, laminados, pouch, etc.
Estos productos tienen como finalidad satisfacer las necesidades del mercado en
cuanto a conservación de los productos que se envasan, pero una vez usado se convierten en
desperdicio. Las empresas que fabrican estos productos como estructuras simples a complejas
deben adoptar políticas, métodos de disposición y normativas aplicables con la finalidad de
reducir el impacto en el medio ambiente.
En el diagnóstico operativo de la empresa Amcor Flexibles se observó que la
fabricación de estructuras simples y complejas en las que se utiliza polyester, polietileno,
polipropileno, aluminio, papel y los procesos son complejos, se debe identificar los puntos
de control específicos que ayuden a mejorar la productividad, calidad, servicio y costos, todas
estas mejoras impactan en el estado de resultados, una manera de mantener el control y la
visibilidad de los resultados obtenidos a través del tiempo es contar con indicadores que
permitan el seguimiento eficaz para obtener los resultados esperados. Si bien es cierto que la
empresa se encuentra en un proceso de transición a nuevas políticas y lineamientos de una
transnacional, es vital identificar las oportunidades de mejora, como ventaja competitiva y
punto de diferenciación frente a sus principales competidores, y tener como soporte el know
how de los colaboradores que son responsables de los procesos
The plastic industry has taken much importance in the economic activity worldwide especially in the production of packaging and packaging. At the moment the market of containers that more grows in the sector plástic is the category of flexible containers which offers all type of solutions like bags, laminates, pouch, etc. These products are intended to meet the needs of the market in terms of conservation of the products that are packaged, but once used they become waste. Companies that manufacture these products as simple to complex structures must adopt policies, disposition methods and applicable regulations in order to reduce the impact on the environment. In the operational diagnosis of the company Amcor Flexibles it was observed that the manufacture of simple and complex structures in which polyester, polyethylene, polypropylene, aluminum, paper and processes are used are complex, it should identify the specific control points that help improve productivity, quality, service and costs, all these improvements impact the income statement, a way to maintain control and visibility of the results obtained over time is to have indicators that allow effective monitoring to obtain results expected. While it is true that the company is in a process of transition to new policies and guidelines of a transnational, it is vital to identify the opportunities for improvement, as a competitive advantage and point of differentiation from its main competitors, and to have as support the know-how how of the collaborators who are responsible for the processes
The plastic industry has taken much importance in the economic activity worldwide especially in the production of packaging and packaging. At the moment the market of containers that more grows in the sector plástic is the category of flexible containers which offers all type of solutions like bags, laminates, pouch, etc. These products are intended to meet the needs of the market in terms of conservation of the products that are packaged, but once used they become waste. Companies that manufacture these products as simple to complex structures must adopt policies, disposition methods and applicable regulations in order to reduce the impact on the environment. In the operational diagnosis of the company Amcor Flexibles it was observed that the manufacture of simple and complex structures in which polyester, polyethylene, polypropylene, aluminum, paper and processes are used are complex, it should identify the specific control points that help improve productivity, quality, service and costs, all these improvements impact the income statement, a way to maintain control and visibility of the results obtained over time is to have indicators that allow effective monitoring to obtain results expected. While it is true that the company is in a process of transition to new policies and guidelines of a transnational, it is vital to identify the opportunities for improvement, as a competitive advantage and point of differentiation from its main competitors, and to have as support the know-how how of the collaborators who are responsible for the processes
Palabras clave
Planificación de la producción, Administración de empresas