A cien años de Paisajes peruanos: la importancia del paisaje cultural en la actualidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El paisaje geográfico ha sido siempre el atractivo de todo ser humano porque allí se expresa la curiosidad de conocer el mundo que nos rodea. Las formas de presentar o describir estos paisajes llenan los libros de literatura y en el caso peruano están los trabajos de todos los escritores en mayor o menor grado. Así, a comienzos del siglo XX destaca la figura del historiador José de la Riva-Agüero y Osma, un aristócrata limeño que realizó un viaje heroico para la época en que no habían carreteras y cubrió a lomo de bestia el trecho entre Cusco y Ocopa, en el valle del Mantaro. Aquí se hace una breve descripción de la experiencia realizada en octubre de 2012, en donde se buscó captar algunas impresiones que pudieron haber marcado la visión de este viajero acerca de la vida de la población andina y que, de alguna manera, le hicieron cambiar su pensamiento político.
The geographical landscape has always been attractive to everyone because there you can express the human curiosity to know the surrounding world. The ways to present or to describe these landscapes fill the literature books and, in the Peruvian case, there are the works of all writers to a major or minor degree. Thus, at the beginning of the 20th century it is notable the figure of the historian José de la Riva-Agüero y Osma, himself an aristocrat from Lima who made an heroic travel from Cusco to Ocopa, Huancayo, at a time when there were not roads, making the trip on mule back. Here we present a brief description of an experience made in October, 2012, where we look to capture some of Riva-Agüero’s impressions that could have marked his vision about the life conditions of the high mountain people of the Andes, which may have changed his political view of them.
The geographical landscape has always been attractive to everyone because there you can express the human curiosity to know the surrounding world. The ways to present or to describe these landscapes fill the literature books and, in the Peruvian case, there are the works of all writers to a major or minor degree. Thus, at the beginning of the 20th century it is notable the figure of the historian José de la Riva-Agüero y Osma, himself an aristocrat from Lima who made an heroic travel from Cusco to Ocopa, Huancayo, at a time when there were not roads, making the trip on mule back. Here we present a brief description of an experience made in October, 2012, where we look to capture some of Riva-Agüero’s impressions that could have marked his vision about the life conditions of the high mountain people of the Andes, which may have changed his political view of them.
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