Teoría e Ideología de los Debates sobre el Despido en España
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo analiza los tres grandes debates que de manera constante han venido acompañando a los numerosos cambios normativos que, en materia de despido, han precedido a la última reforma de 2012. Son ellos: la regulación del principio de causalidad del despido y la contradicción que comporta la atribución de eficacia extintiva a los despidos injustificados, la reducción del coste de despido como medida para combatir la crónica alta tasa de temporalidad en el sistema español de relaciones laborales y, en fin, la discusión del mantenimiento de la histórica autorización administrativa para los despidos de carácter colectivo. A partir del examen de estos debates, se intenta pasar revista de manera esquemática a los aspectos más controvertidos de la mencionada reforma, prestando una especial atención a las materias objeto de regulación y a la opción del legislador por las soluciones más extremas en materia de despido.
This article analyzes the three major debates that have steadily been following the numerous regulatory changes, as regards dismissal, preceded the recent reform of 2012. They are: the regulation of the principle of causality and contradiction of dismissal which involves the allocation of unfair dismissal statute efficiency, reducing the cost of dismissal as a measure to combat chronic high rate of temporary employment in the Spanish industrial relations system and, finally, the argument of maintaining historical administrative authorization for lay offs of collective character. An examination of these discussions, we try to review schematically the most controversial aspects of that reform, paying particular attention to the matters of regulation and choice of the legislature by the most extreme solutions for dismissal.
This article analyzes the three major debates that have steadily been following the numerous regulatory changes, as regards dismissal, preceded the recent reform of 2012. They are: the regulation of the principle of causality and contradiction of dismissal which involves the allocation of unfair dismissal statute efficiency, reducing the cost of dismissal as a measure to combat chronic high rate of temporary employment in the Spanish industrial relations system and, finally, the argument of maintaining historical administrative authorization for lay offs of collective character. An examination of these discussions, we try to review schematically the most controversial aspects of that reform, paying particular attention to the matters of regulation and choice of the legislature by the most extreme solutions for dismissal.
Palabras clave
Causa del despido, Tasa de temporalidad, Autorización administrativa
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