Ansiedad rasgo y recursos de afrontamiento en pacientes con diabetes tipo II
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La ansiedad rasgo y los recursos de afrontamiento han demostrado tener repercusiones significativas en la vivencia de la diabetes tipo II, es por ello que el presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer la relación entre ambas variables psicológicas en un grupo de pacientes con el diagnóstico de diabetes tipo II. La muestra se encuentra conformada por 65 participantes entre 40 y 80 años provenientes de un hospital de Lima Metropolitana a quienes se les aplicó la Escala de Ansiedad Rasgo del Inventario de Ansiedad Rasgo- Estado (IDARE) y el Inventario de Recursos de Afrontamiento en la versión adaptada de Valdez (1999). Los resultados mostraron correlaciones inversas y significativas entre la ansiedad rasgo y los recursos cognitivos (r=0.33, p<.05), recursos sociales (r=.30, p<.05) recursos físicos (r=.26, p<.05), y el puntaje global de los recursos de afrontamiento (r=.29, p<.05). Los resultados demuestran una importante relación entre ambas variables, lo cual contribuye en el conocimiento acerca del funcionamiento de estos pacientes.
It has been demonstrated that trait anxiety and coping resources have significant repercussions in type II diabetes. The objective of this study is to become aware of the relation between both psychological variables in a group of patients with a type II diabetes diagnosis. The sample group is made up by 65 participants, between 40 and 80 years of age, from a hospital in Metropolitan Lima, and who took the Trait scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Coping Resources Inventory in adapted version of Valdez (1999). The results showed inverse and important correlations between the trait anxiety and the cognitive coping resources (r=0.33, p<.05), social coping resources (r=.30, p<.05) physical coping resources (r=.26, p<.05), and the global score of the coping resources (r=.29, p<.05). The results show an important relationship between both variables, which contributes to the knowledge on these patients function.
It has been demonstrated that trait anxiety and coping resources have significant repercussions in type II diabetes. The objective of this study is to become aware of the relation between both psychological variables in a group of patients with a type II diabetes diagnosis. The sample group is made up by 65 participants, between 40 and 80 years of age, from a hospital in Metropolitan Lima, and who took the Trait scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Coping Resources Inventory in adapted version of Valdez (1999). The results showed inverse and important correlations between the trait anxiety and the cognitive coping resources (r=0.33, p<.05), social coping resources (r=.30, p<.05) physical coping resources (r=.26, p<.05), and the global score of the coping resources (r=.29, p<.05). The results show an important relationship between both variables, which contributes to the knowledge on these patients function.
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