Calidad en el servicio en las oficinas de la región Lima del banco BBVA continental para el público millennial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Existe, en general, poca información académica relativa a la medición de la calidad de
los servicios en el sector bancario. Este documento analiza la calidad de los servicios del
Banco BBVA Continental, y concentra su atención en la percepción que tiene al respecto el
público millennial de Lima. Luego de la investigación, respaldada por el respectivo marco
teórico en que se basan estas líneas, se puede confirmar que no existen investigaciones
similares publicadas a nivel local. En el caso internacional, se ha encontrado algunos
documentos que serán detallados en el Capítulo II, en los que se profundiza acerca del marco
teórico a considerar.
El estudio presenta el modelo Servqual, aplicado en el sector bancario a través de la
toma de encuestas (22 preguntas iguales, antes y después de la ejecución del servicio). Para
aplicar el análisis estadístico relevante, se realizaron 451 encuestas en más de 100 oficinas
del BBVA. A partir de las mismas, se planteó un modelo lineal para verificar los niveles de
ajuste en las dimensiones estudiadas respecto de la calidad del servicio bancario. Luego del
ejercicio, los niveles de ajuste encontrados han sido relevantes en todos los casos. A partir de
ahí, las conclusiones y recomendaciones se centraron en un enfoque de marketing que
permita tomar acciones tangibles que mejoren los puntajes que se obtendrán a futuro. Se
espera que este trabajo sirva como marco de referencia para impulsar nuevas investigaciones
en años venideros.
It is known to be little relevant academic information to measuring the quality of services in the banking sector. This document analyzes the quality of the BBVA Continental Bank services, and centers its attention on the perception of the millennial of Lima. After researching the theoretical framework on which these lines are based, it can be ratified that there are no similar investigations published locally. At an international level, some documents have been found, all of which will be closely detailed in Chapter II, since they delve into the theoretic framework considered for this final dissertation. This study presents the Servqual model, applied in the banking sector through the conducting of surveys: 22 equal questions, before and after the execution of the service. In total, 451 surveys were carried out in more than 100 BBVA offices in order to apply a relevant statistical analysis regarding the quality of the banking service. After this exercise, the levels of adjustment have been found pertinent for all cases. Once this is stated, all the conclusions and recommendations are centered on a marketing approach, which will allow taking tangible actions and enhance the obtained scores at a future time. It is hoped that this work will serve as a frame of reference to promote new research in the years to come.
It is known to be little relevant academic information to measuring the quality of services in the banking sector. This document analyzes the quality of the BBVA Continental Bank services, and centers its attention on the perception of the millennial of Lima. After researching the theoretical framework on which these lines are based, it can be ratified that there are no similar investigations published locally. At an international level, some documents have been found, all of which will be closely detailed in Chapter II, since they delve into the theoretic framework considered for this final dissertation. This study presents the Servqual model, applied in the banking sector through the conducting of surveys: 22 equal questions, before and after the execution of the service. In total, 451 surveys were carried out in more than 100 BBVA offices in order to apply a relevant statistical analysis regarding the quality of the banking service. After this exercise, the levels of adjustment have been found pertinent for all cases. Once this is stated, all the conclusions and recommendations are centered on a marketing approach, which will allow taking tangible actions and enhance the obtained scores at a future time. It is hoped that this work will serve as a frame of reference to promote new research in the years to come.
Palabras clave
Calidad total, Instituciones financieras--Banco, Investigación cuantitativa
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