Normas Internacionales de Derecho del Trabajo y Derecho Interno Argentino
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente artículo intenta abordar la problemática, desde el punto de vista del derecho laboral, que se presenta en torno a la interpretación de normas laborales partiendo de un análisis de fuentes, ya sea tanto fuente interna como internacional. Con lo cual, el autor aboga por mantener la esencia del principio protector del derecho laboral lo cual llevará a conjugar normas de las diferentes fuentes para proteger tanto al trabajador como a la estructura institucional y legal del derecho interno de cada país.
The following article attempts to address the problem, from the point of view of the labour law, which arises on the interpretation of standards on the basis of an analysis of sources, both internal sources such as international. Whereupon, the author advocates maintain the essence of the protective principle of labour law which will lead to combining rules from different sources to protect both the worker as the structure institutional and legal of the domestic law of each country.
The following article attempts to address the problem, from the point of view of the labour law, which arises on the interpretation of standards on the basis of an analysis of sources, both internal sources such as international. Whereupon, the author advocates maintain the essence of the protective principle of labour law which will lead to combining rules from different sources to protect both the worker as the structure institutional and legal of the domestic law of each country.
Palabras clave
Derecho internacional, Normas internacionales, Normas nacionales, Sistema monista, Sistema dualista, Convenios internacionales, Cláusulas, Interpretación
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