Alto. ¿Peligro para los derechos de los consumidores? Los contratos por adhesión, las cláusulas generales de contratación y las cláusulas abusivas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo académico tiene por finalidad evidenciar la vulneración al derecho a la
libertad de empresa, en especifico, el derecho a libertad de organización, correspondiente a
la cadena de cines CINEPLEX S.A transgredido mediante la decisión emitida en la
Resolución N° 0219-2018/SPC-INDECOPI donde se calificó a la restricción establecida por
la cadena de cines consistente en la prohibición del ingreso con productos comestibles
adquiridos fuera de sus establecimientos a sus salas como una cláusula abusiva de ineficacia
Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, resulta importante considerar la legislación y doctrina
administrativa y constitucional que coadyuvarán a realizar el análisis de este caso.
Finalmente, el presente artículo concluye que la cadena de cines CINEPLEX S.A. en virtud
a su derecho a la libertad de empresa tiene la posibilidad de organizar y estructurar su
negocio de la manera que le parezca más conveniente y, asimismo, esto no implica la
vulneración de los derechos de los consumidores como el derecho a elegir o el derecho a la
información como lo asegura INDECOPI.
The purpose of this academic article is to demonstrate the violation of the right to freedom of business, specifically, the right to freedom of organization, corresponding to the cinema chain CINEPLEX SA violated by the decision issued in Resolution No. 0219-2018 / SPCINDECOPI by the INDECOPI where the restriction established by the chain of cinemas consisting of the prohibition of entering their rooms with food or beverages purchased outside their establishments was classified as an abusive clause of ineffectiveness absolute. In this way, it is important to consider the administrative and constitutional legislation and doctrine that will contribute to the analysis of this case. Finally, this article concludes that the cinema chain CINEPLEX S.A. By virtue of your right to freedom of business, you have the possibility of organizing and structuring your business in the way that seems most convenient to you and, likewise, this does not imply the violation of consumer rights such as the right to choose or the right to the information as assured by INDECOPI.
The purpose of this academic article is to demonstrate the violation of the right to freedom of business, specifically, the right to freedom of organization, corresponding to the cinema chain CINEPLEX SA violated by the decision issued in Resolution No. 0219-2018 / SPCINDECOPI by the INDECOPI where the restriction established by the chain of cinemas consisting of the prohibition of entering their rooms with food or beverages purchased outside their establishments was classified as an abusive clause of ineffectiveness absolute. In this way, it is important to consider the administrative and constitutional legislation and doctrine that will contribute to the analysis of this case. Finally, this article concludes that the cinema chain CINEPLEX S.A. By virtue of your right to freedom of business, you have the possibility of organizing and structuring your business in the way that seems most convenient to you and, likewise, this does not imply the violation of consumer rights such as the right to choose or the right to the information as assured by INDECOPI.
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