“Rizoma filosófico”: notas sobre la educación en el siglo XXI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La tradición oral que definía la cultura humana fue transformada con la invención de la escritura y fundó la tradición escribal que, potenciada por la invención de la imprenta hace cinco siglos, dio origen a la concepción ilustrada de la educación que sigue rigiendo en nuestros días. Pero el advenimiento de los medios digitales y el mundo virtual causa una nueva crisis que empieza a subvertir la tradición escribal y el concepto de educación del que somos herederos. Se hacen imperativos un nuevo paradigma y una reconcepción de nuestros criterios en la educación. En este breve artículo, describimos el proyecto de innovación docente “Rizoma filosófico”, con el que se pretende reflexionar de manera práctica al mismo tiempo que teórica sobre esta crisis en un curso de Filosofía Contemporánea.
With the invention of writing, the oral tradition which had defined human culture gave way to written tradition. The latter, along with the invention of print five centuries ago, gave birth to the illustrated conception of education that governs to this day. However, the advent of digital media and the virtual world are undermining written tradition and the conception of education we have inherited. It is imperative that we develop a new paradigm and re-imagination of our idea of education. In this brief article we describe “Rizoma Filosofico”, a teaching innovation project, which intends to reflect both practically and theoretically on this crisis within a contemporary philosophy course.
With the invention of writing, the oral tradition which had defined human culture gave way to written tradition. The latter, along with the invention of print five centuries ago, gave birth to the illustrated conception of education that governs to this day. However, the advent of digital media and the virtual world are undermining written tradition and the conception of education we have inherited. It is imperative that we develop a new paradigm and re-imagination of our idea of education. In this brief article we describe “Rizoma Filosofico”, a teaching innovation project, which intends to reflect both practically and theoretically on this crisis within a contemporary philosophy course.
Palabras clave
Digital Revolution, Education, Contemporary Philosophy, Written Tradition, Educational Crisis, University, Rhizome, Revolución Digital, Educación, Filosofía Contemporánea, Tradición Escribal, Crisis Educacional, Universidad, Rizoma
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