Business consulting para la empresa Azzorti en Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Si bien tener un clima laboral satisfactorio es un factor que ha venido ganando relevancia en
el ámbito empresarial dado los diferentes aspectos de mejora que genera (e.g., productividad,
motivación, compromiso, entre otros), solo en algunas empresas se decide implementar
programas que permitan tener o mejorar este activo tan clave. Revisando la literatura
académica, se comprobó que existe cierta renuencia por parte de la alta dirección de las
empresas en invertir recursos económicos en algunos programas de recursos humanos, puesto
que no existiría evidencia suficiente que indique que los beneficios sean mayores al capital
desembolsado; no obstante, se comprobó que sí existen casos de éxito aplicando estos
programas. La presente consultoría de negocios busca identificar el problema central que
afronta una empresa de venta directa en el Perú llamada Azzorti, la cual tiene importante
presencia en cinco países de Latinoamérica. Para ello, se identificaron seis causas principales,
definiendo e implementando una alternativa de solución para cada una de ellas. Como
resultado, se determinó que el problema central es el clima laboral insatisfactorio que se
percibe en las áreas operativas de la Gerencia de Logística, situación diferente a lo que ocurre
en las administrativas y de ventas. En ese sentido, se espera que la definición,
implementación y ejecución de las seis propuestas de solución permitan mejorar el clima
laboral significativamente en Azzorti, siendo estas los desarrollos de: (a) un programa de
transformación que forme líderes orientados a las personas, (b) canales de comunicación
interna, (c) un programa de retroalimentación efectiva, (d) dos programas de incentivos
(productividad y salud), (e) un programa de aprendizaje y desarrollo y (f) un programa de
reconocimiento. Finalmente, teniendo un clima laboral satisfactorio, como consecuencia, los
resultados operacionales del negocio deberían mejorar.
Although maintaining a satisfactory work climate is a factor that has been gaining relevance in the business environment because the different aspects of improvement that it generates (e.g., productivity, motivation, commitment, among others), only in some companies it is decided to implement programs that allow have or improve this key asset. At academic literature, it was found that there is a certain reluctance on companies to invest economic resources in some human resources programs, since there would not be sufficient evidence to indicate that the benefits are greater than the investment; however, it was found that there are cases of success applying these programs. This business consultancy seeks to identify the central problem faced by a direct sales company in Peru called Azzorti, which has a known presence in five Latin American countries. For this, six main causes were identified, defining, and implementing an alternative solution for each of them. As a result, it was determined that the central problem is the unsatisfactory work climate that is perceived at the operational areas of the Logistics Management, a situation different from what happens at the administrative and sales areas. In this sense, it is expected that the definition, implementation, and execution of the six solution proposals will improve the work climate significantly in Azzorti. The proposals are the developments of: (a) a transformation program that trains people-oriented leaders, (b) an internal communication channel, (c) an effective feedback program, (d) two incentive programs (productivity and health), (e) a learning and development program, and (f) a recognition program. Finally, having a satisfactory work climate, therefore, the operational results of the business should improve.
Although maintaining a satisfactory work climate is a factor that has been gaining relevance in the business environment because the different aspects of improvement that it generates (e.g., productivity, motivation, commitment, among others), only in some companies it is decided to implement programs that allow have or improve this key asset. At academic literature, it was found that there is a certain reluctance on companies to invest economic resources in some human resources programs, since there would not be sufficient evidence to indicate that the benefits are greater than the investment; however, it was found that there are cases of success applying these programs. This business consultancy seeks to identify the central problem faced by a direct sales company in Peru called Azzorti, which has a known presence in five Latin American countries. For this, six main causes were identified, defining, and implementing an alternative solution for each of them. As a result, it was determined that the central problem is the unsatisfactory work climate that is perceived at the operational areas of the Logistics Management, a situation different from what happens at the administrative and sales areas. In this sense, it is expected that the definition, implementation, and execution of the six solution proposals will improve the work climate significantly in Azzorti. The proposals are the developments of: (a) a transformation program that trains people-oriented leaders, (b) an internal communication channel, (c) an effective feedback program, (d) two incentive programs (productivity and health), (e) a learning and development program, and (f) a recognition program. Finally, having a satisfactory work climate, therefore, the operational results of the business should improve.