Los colores de Tambo Colorado: una reevaluación
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Cien años después de Max Uhle, los autores visitaron nuevamente el sitio inca de Tambo Colorado, ubicado en el valle de Pisco, con el fin de llevar a cabo investigaciones en este complejo que debe su nombre a los muchos colores que adornan sus muros y estructuras. Uno de los objetivos del proyecto actual es determinar si dichos colores tuvieron algún significado arquitectónico o simbólico. Hasta el momento, las investigaciones sugieren que existe, efectivamente, una correlación bien estrecha entre el trazado del sitio, la organización bastante jerárquica de los espacios y la distribución de los colores.
The Colors at Tambo colorado: A ReevaluationThe research visit to the Inca site of Tambo Colorado, in the Pisco Valley, reported on in this paper took place a hundred years after the visit of Max Uhle’s. Tambo Colorado takes its name from the many colors that adorn its walls. It is one of the aims of the present project to determine whether or not the colors have any architectural or symbolic significance. So far, the research suggests that there is a close correlation between the site’s layout, the highly hierarchical organization of its spaces, and the distribution of colors.
The Colors at Tambo colorado: A ReevaluationThe research visit to the Inca site of Tambo Colorado, in the Pisco Valley, reported on in this paper took place a hundred years after the visit of Max Uhle’s. Tambo Colorado takes its name from the many colors that adorn its walls. It is one of the aims of the present project to determine whether or not the colors have any architectural or symbolic significance. So far, the research suggests that there is a close correlation between the site’s layout, the highly hierarchical organization of its spaces, and the distribution of colors.
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