Un acercamiento operacional a la historia de la lengua
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En este artículo se abordan algunas de las posibilidades que ofrece la lingüística operacional para los estudios diacrónicos de la lengua. Después deuna breve exposición del Proyecto de Universales y Tipología del Institutode Lingüística de la Universidad de Colonia (UNITYP), se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada bajo este marco teórico: la emergencia y consolidación del sufijo –do como patrón nominalizador en el registro técnico del español. Esta propuesta de análisis es relevante entanto que permitiría apreciar bajo una perspectiva adicional los complejos procesos que subyacen a los fenómenos de cambio lingüístico.
This article addresses some possibilities that operational linguistics offersin relation to the diachronic studies of language. After a brief presentationof the Universal and Typology Project of the Institute of Linguistics atthe University of Cologne (UNITYP for its initials in Spanish), the resultsof an investigation conducted under this framework is presented: theemergence and consolidation of the suffix -do as a standard nominalizer inSpanish technical register. The proposed analysis is relevant to the extentthat it makes possible to assess under an additional perspective the complexprocesses underlying the phenomena of linguistic change.
This article addresses some possibilities that operational linguistics offersin relation to the diachronic studies of language. After a brief presentationof the Universal and Typology Project of the Institute of Linguistics atthe University of Cologne (UNITYP for its initials in Spanish), the resultsof an investigation conducted under this framework is presented: theemergence and consolidation of the suffix -do as a standard nominalizer inSpanish technical register. The proposed analysis is relevant to the extentthat it makes possible to assess under an additional perspective the complexprocesses underlying the phenomena of linguistic change.
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