Rasgos distintivos del dualismo mente-cuerpo en los escritos de Platón
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Este artículo analiza algunos conceptos del alma - no siempre fáciles deconciliar entre sí- en los diálogos tempranos de Platón. Prosigue luego con una discusión acerca de la bien conocida doctrina sobre la tripartición del alma en la República y el Timeo, sosteniendo que esta doctrina constituye, en muchos sentidos, un progreso importante con respecto al pensamiento temprano de Platón, especialmente al Fedón. Se menciona también la cuestión poco discutida de la naturaleza e importancia de la diferenciación de géneros del alma en el Timeo. En relación con el famoso pasaje, también del Timeo, sobre la composición del alma, se sostiene que bien pudo haber sido un intento de Platón por lidiar con la espinosa cuestión del dualismo psicofísico.
The article looks at a number of concepts of soul -sorne of them not easily reconcilable with others- in the earlier dialogues of Plato, and then moves on to discuss the well-known doctrine of tripartition in the Republic and Timaeus, arguing that it constitutes in many ways significant progress over Plato's earlier thinking, especially as found in the Phaedo. Mention is also made of the little-discussed question of the nature and significance of gender differentiation of soul in the Timaeus. As for the famous passage,again in the Tímaeus, conceming the composition of soul. it is argued that this may well have been an attempt by Plato to grapple with the thorny question of psycho-physical dualism.
The article looks at a number of concepts of soul -sorne of them not easily reconcilable with others- in the earlier dialogues of Plato, and then moves on to discuss the well-known doctrine of tripartition in the Republic and Timaeus, arguing that it constitutes in many ways significant progress over Plato's earlier thinking, especially as found in the Phaedo. Mention is also made of the little-discussed question of the nature and significance of gender differentiation of soul in the Timaeus. As for the famous passage,again in the Tímaeus, conceming the composition of soul. it is argued that this may well have been an attempt by Plato to grapple with the thorny question of psycho-physical dualism.
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