Prácticas funerarias incaicas en Sacsayhuamán: enterramientos ceremoniales y complejo funerario
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Excavaciones recientes realizadas en el complejo de Sacsayhuamán, Cuzco, evidencian la existencia de, por lo menos, dos tipos de prácticas funerarias incaicas. Los trabajos de investigación realizados en 1999 en el sector de Suchuna, subsector Cementerio, a cargo del Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC), permitieron delimitar un área que tenía el uso específico de complejo funerario y que fue destinada al enterramiento masivo de la población común. Además, excavaciones realizadas durante 2001 en el sector de Muyucmarca sacaron a la luz 15 contextos funerarios, así como restos de numerosas ofrendas. En este último caso se trata de entierros asociados a estructuras arquitectónicas y eventos ceremoniales. En el presente artículo se hace un análisis comparativo entre los hallazgos de Suchuna y Muyucmarca con el objetivo de avanzar en el entendimiento de los distintos patrones funerarios incaicos.
Inca Funerary Practices at Sacsayhuamán: Ceremonial Burial and Funerary ComplexExcavations in the Inca site of Sacsayhuaman, Cuzco, show at least two kinds of Inca burial practices. Archaeological studies conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC) in 1999 in the Suchuna sector revealed a specific cemetery area. This complex of about 80 graves was designated for the disposal of the ordinary people. More recently, in 2001 the Instituto Nacional de Cultura has conducted excavations in the Muycmarca sector. Fifteen funerary contexts were found, which were associated with architectural structures and offerings. It seems that the practices associated with burials at Muyucmarca were of a ritual character. This paper presents the comparative analysis between the Suchuna and the Muyucmarca burials with the goal of advancing our understanding of various distinctive Incaic funerary practices and burial patterns.
Inca Funerary Practices at Sacsayhuamán: Ceremonial Burial and Funerary ComplexExcavations in the Inca site of Sacsayhuaman, Cuzco, show at least two kinds of Inca burial practices. Archaeological studies conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Cultura (INC) in 1999 in the Suchuna sector revealed a specific cemetery area. This complex of about 80 graves was designated for the disposal of the ordinary people. More recently, in 2001 the Instituto Nacional de Cultura has conducted excavations in the Muycmarca sector. Fifteen funerary contexts were found, which were associated with architectural structures and offerings. It seems that the practices associated with burials at Muyucmarca were of a ritual character. This paper presents the comparative analysis between the Suchuna and the Muyucmarca burials with the goal of advancing our understanding of various distinctive Incaic funerary practices and burial patterns.
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