Modelo de evaluación de desempeño de las 5C’s de ciudadanía organizacional en la modalidad de teletrabajo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un modelo de evaluación de
desempeño basado en comportamientos de ciudadanía organizacional, aplicable
principalmente en la modalidad de teletrabajo. Como punto de partida, se investigó la
literatura disponible relacionada con las dimensiones o comportamientos de ciudadanía
organizacional planteados por Organ y otros autores; además, se realizó una exploración
sobre los métodos y estrategias de evaluación de desempeño eficaces; así mismo, se buscó
información relevante sobre el concepto de teletrabajo; para finalmente construir un mapa de
literatura que permitió organizar la información y categorizar las investigaciones más
relevantes que constituirían las bases teóricas del presente estudio.
En segundo lugar, se establecieron todos los lineamientos que engloban el diseño y las
preguntas de la presente investigación; así como la definición de la muestra, el perfil de los
participantes, los procedimientos y protocolos para la recolección de datos. En tercer lugar, se
desarrolló un análisis de la información obtenida en las 12 entrevistas a profundidad que se
Culminada la fase de entrevistas se procedió a codificar y analizar la información a
través del software Atlas.ti; posteriormente se realizó un análisis más profundo a cargo de las
autoras de esta investigación; este segundo análisis tuvo como propósito examinar
minuciosamente de cada una de las respuestas proporcionadas por los informantes, a fin de
encontrar acciones que evidencien los comportamientos de ciudadanía organizacional, así
como las percepciones, opiniones y expectativas de los participantes respecto al proceso de
evaluación de desempeño; toda esta indagación representó el insumo principal para construir
una nueva definición y nomenclatura para los comportamientos de ciudadanía organizacional
aplicable para el contexto peruano, así como para elaborar una propuesta de evaluación de
desempeño competente. Finalmente, el modelo de evaluación de desempeño que se propone, el cual se
denomina Modelo de Evaluación de Desempeño de las 5C’s de Ciudadanía Organizacional,
representa una propuesta objetiva, completa y sólida para la medición del rendimiento de los
empleados que desempeñan su labores en la modalidad de teletrabajo; este modelo categoriza
y valora los comportamientos de los empleados que demuestran conductas amables y
decorosas que promueven un ambiente laboral saludable, así como con el logro de sus
objetivos operacionales ligadas al puesto.
The purpose of the research is to propose a performance evaluation model based on organizational citizenship behaviors, applicable mainly in the teleworking model. As a starting point, the available literature related to the dimensions or behaviors of organizational citizenship proposed by Organ and other authors was investigated; furthermore, an exploration of effective performance evaluation methods and strategies was carried out; likewise, relevant information was sought on the concept of teleworking; to finally build a literature map that allowed organizing the information and categorizing the most relevant investigations that would constitute the theoretical bases of the present research. Second, all the guidelines that encompass the design and questions of this research were established; as well as the definition of the sample, the profile of the participants, and the procedures and protocols for data collection. Third, an analysis of the information obtained in the 12 in-depth interviews that were conducted was developed. Once the interview phase was completed, the information was codified and analyzed through the Atlas.ti software; subsequently, a deeper analysis was carried out by the authors of this research; the purpose of this second analysis was to carefully examine each of the answers provided by the informants, to find actions that evidence organizational citizenship behaviors, as well as the perceptions, opinions, and expectations of the participants regarding the performance evaluation process. All this research represented the main input to build a new definition and nomenclature for organizational citizenship behaviors applicable to the peruvian context, as well as to develop a competent performance evaluation proposal. Finally, the proposed performance evaluation model, which is called the Performance Evaluation Model of the 5C's of Organizational Citizenship, represents an objective, complete and solid proposal for measuring the performance of the employees who carry out their work in the organization. telework modality; this model categorizes and values employee behaviors that demonstrate friendly and decorous behaviors that promote a healthy work environment, as well as the achievement of their operational objectives linked to the position.
The purpose of the research is to propose a performance evaluation model based on organizational citizenship behaviors, applicable mainly in the teleworking model. As a starting point, the available literature related to the dimensions or behaviors of organizational citizenship proposed by Organ and other authors was investigated; furthermore, an exploration of effective performance evaluation methods and strategies was carried out; likewise, relevant information was sought on the concept of teleworking; to finally build a literature map that allowed organizing the information and categorizing the most relevant investigations that would constitute the theoretical bases of the present research. Second, all the guidelines that encompass the design and questions of this research were established; as well as the definition of the sample, the profile of the participants, and the procedures and protocols for data collection. Third, an analysis of the information obtained in the 12 in-depth interviews that were conducted was developed. Once the interview phase was completed, the information was codified and analyzed through the Atlas.ti software; subsequently, a deeper analysis was carried out by the authors of this research; the purpose of this second analysis was to carefully examine each of the answers provided by the informants, to find actions that evidence organizational citizenship behaviors, as well as the perceptions, opinions, and expectations of the participants regarding the performance evaluation process. All this research represented the main input to build a new definition and nomenclature for organizational citizenship behaviors applicable to the peruvian context, as well as to develop a competent performance evaluation proposal. Finally, the proposed performance evaluation model, which is called the Performance Evaluation Model of the 5C's of Organizational Citizenship, represents an objective, complete and solid proposal for measuring the performance of the employees who carry out their work in the organization. telework modality; this model categorizes and values employee behaviors that demonstrate friendly and decorous behaviors that promote a healthy work environment, as well as the achievement of their operational objectives linked to the position.
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