Plan estratégico de marketing de turismo cultural arqueológico Ruta Moche
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Actualmente, el Perú recibe el doble de turistas extranjeros y genera cuatro
veces más divisas que hace diez años. Al respecto, gran parte de estos turistas realizan
un turismo del tipo cultural arqueológico, dado su interés en conocer cómo vivían las
personas en otros periodos de tiempo.
Uno de los destinos arqueológicos visitados por los turistas es la Ruta Moche, la
cual posee un gran valor cultural debido a la cantidad de atractivos ubicados dentro de
las regiones de La Libertad y Lambayeque. En la actualidad, la Ruta Moche tan solo
recibe alrededor de 60 mil vacacionistas al año mientras que, por ejemplo, Machu
Picchu, recibe 1.3 millones aproximadamente.
Por lo tanto, se ha realizado una investigación y se ha podido identificar tres
principales causas del escaso flujo de turistas a la Ruta Moche: (a) las barreras de
integración política y económica existentes entre las regiones de La Libertad y
Lambayeque, (b) el poco conocimiento de este destino turístico debido a que los
operadores no lo ofrecen como un circuito, y (c) la escasa promoción en el extranjero.
Por este motivo, se propone un plan de marketing dirigido al vacacionista
extranjero, con una inversión de USD$2’341,350 y cuya propuesta de valor se centrará
en tres ejes: experiencia, tecnología e integración histórica.
La implementación del plan generará un beneficio social de empleabilidad y
mejora en la calidad de vida de las regiones porque duplicará el flujo de turistas al 2021
y, de esta manera, se logrará posicionar a la Ruta Moche como el segundo destino
arqueológico del Perú
Currently, Peru receives twice the number of foreign tourists and generates four times more currency than ten years ago. In this regard, much of these tourists made archaeological cultural tourism, given their interest in knowing how people lived in other periods of time. One of the archaeological destinations visited by tourists is the Moche Route (Ruta Moche), which has a great cultural value due to the amount of attractions located in the regions of both La Libertad and Lambayeque. Currently, the Moche Route receives about 100,000 foreign tourists annually of which 60,000 conducting archaeological activities, while, for example, Machu Picchu receives about 1.3 million foreign vacationers. Therefore, an investigation was conducted and three main causes of this little flow of tourists to the Moche Route have been identified: a) the barriers of political and economic integration between the regions of La Libertad and Lambayeque, b) the lack of knowledge of this tourist destination since operators do not offer it as a circuit, and c) the insufficient promotion of this destination abroad. Thus, it has been proposed a marketing plan aimed at foreign vacationers, with an investment of USD$ $2’341,350 and whose value proposition will focus on three areas: experience, technology, and historical integration. The implementation of this plan will generate a social benefit of employability and the improvement in the quality of life in the regions aforementioned, because, it will double the flow of tourists up to 2021 and, thus, will accomplish to position the Moche Route as the second archaeological destination in Peru
Currently, Peru receives twice the number of foreign tourists and generates four times more currency than ten years ago. In this regard, much of these tourists made archaeological cultural tourism, given their interest in knowing how people lived in other periods of time. One of the archaeological destinations visited by tourists is the Moche Route (Ruta Moche), which has a great cultural value due to the amount of attractions located in the regions of both La Libertad and Lambayeque. Currently, the Moche Route receives about 100,000 foreign tourists annually of which 60,000 conducting archaeological activities, while, for example, Machu Picchu receives about 1.3 million foreign vacationers. Therefore, an investigation was conducted and three main causes of this little flow of tourists to the Moche Route have been identified: a) the barriers of political and economic integration between the regions of La Libertad and Lambayeque, b) the lack of knowledge of this tourist destination since operators do not offer it as a circuit, and c) the insufficient promotion of this destination abroad. Thus, it has been proposed a marketing plan aimed at foreign vacationers, with an investment of USD$ $2’341,350 and whose value proposition will focus on three areas: experience, technology, and historical integration. The implementation of this plan will generate a social benefit of employability and the improvement in the quality of life in the regions aforementioned, because, it will double the flow of tourists up to 2021 and, thus, will accomplish to position the Moche Route as the second archaeological destination in Peru
Palabras clave
Planificación estratégica
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