INDECOPI vs. CAL: cuando las barreras burocráticas las crea e impone tu propio colegio profesional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente artículo estudia la naturaleza jurídica del Colegio de Abogados de Lima (en adelante, CAL) y las Barreras Burocráticas que habría generado esta entidad. Además, analiza si el CAL puede ser considerado como una Administración Pública. Luego de los alcances teóricos, se realiza un comentario general sobre el Expediente N° 0321-2016/CEB, tramitado en el Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (en adelante, el “INDECOPI”), con la finalidad de concluir si determinadas exigencias impuestas por el CAL para alcanzar la colegiatura se configuraban como barreras burocráticas ilegales y/o irracionales, merecedoras de expulsión del ordenamiento jurídico vigente.
This article studies the legal nature of the School of Lima Lawyers (in ahead, CAL) and the Bureaucratic Barriers that this entity would have generated. In addition, it analyzes whether the CAL can be considered as a Public Administration. After the theoretical scope, a general comment is made on File No. 0321-2016 / CEB, processed by the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (hereinafter, the “INDECOPI”), in order to conclude if certain requirements imposed by the CAL to reach the tuition were configured as illegal and / or irrational bureaucratic barriers, deserving expulsion from the current legal system.
This article studies the legal nature of the School of Lima Lawyers (in ahead, CAL) and the Bureaucratic Barriers that this entity would have generated. In addition, it analyzes whether the CAL can be considered as a Public Administration. After the theoretical scope, a general comment is made on File No. 0321-2016 / CEB, processed by the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (hereinafter, the “INDECOPI”), in order to conclude if certain requirements imposed by the CAL to reach the tuition were configured as illegal and / or irrational bureaucratic barriers, deserving expulsion from the current legal system.
Palabras clave
CAL, Barreras Burocráticas, Administración Pública, INDECOPI, Procedimiento
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