Plan Estratégico de marketing para el lanzamiento de Femsalud
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo aborda una de las principales problemáticas en nuestro país que es
el acceso a atención sanitaria que, en el Perú, se encuentra directamente determinada por el
seguro de salud en que una persona se encuentre afiliada. Se presentarán los principales
seguros de salud como públicos (SIS, EsSalud) y privados (Empresas privadas, EPS,
Prepagas) y la situación actual de este mercado en Lima Metropolitana. En los últimos años,
ha habido un incremento importante en la participación de afiliados a un seguro de salud en el
país, así como en su capital. Sin embargo, pese a ello, se evidencia una brecha importante de
acceso a atención sanitaria oportuna y de calidad. Se ha evaluado que hay una concentración
importante de entidades prestadoras de servicio de salud en Lima; no obstante, una gran
cantidad de asegurados no acceden a buenos servicios de salud. Entre los principales públicos
perjudicados identificamos a público femenino, personas con escasos recursos, adultos
mayores, población LGBT, entre otros. Se presenta una oportunidad de crecimiento dentro
del sector privado de seguros de salud y la reducción de esta brecha de accesibilidad a
servicios asistenciales oportunos y de calidad mediante la creación de productos centrados en
las necesidades de los públicos identificados. Es por ello que, el presente documento buscará
demostrar a través de un ejemplo, que el desarrollo de productos centrados en las necesidades
del consumidor beneficia sustancialmente tanto al mercado como a sus principales
This present work addresses one of the main issues in our country, which is access to healthcare, in Peru, this is directly determined by the health insurance to which a person is affiliated. The main health insurance options will be presented, including public ones (SIS, EsSalud) and private ones (private companies, EPS, Prepaid health plans), as well as the current situation of this market in Metropolitan Lima. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people with health insurance in the country, as well as in their capital. However, despite this, there is still a significant gap in access to timely and quality healthcare. It has been evaluated that there is a significant concentration of healthcare service providers in Lima; nevertheless, a large number of people with an active healthcare insurance do not have access to good healthcare services. Among the main disadvantaged groups, we identify women, individuals with limited resources, the elderly, the LGBT population, among others. There is an opportunity for growth within the private health insurance sector and the reduction of this gap in accessibility to timely and quality healthcare services through the creation of products tailored to the needs of the identified groups. Therefore, this document will seek to demonstrate, through an example, that the development of consumer-focused products substantially benefits both the market and its main stakeholders.
This present work addresses one of the main issues in our country, which is access to healthcare, in Peru, this is directly determined by the health insurance to which a person is affiliated. The main health insurance options will be presented, including public ones (SIS, EsSalud) and private ones (private companies, EPS, Prepaid health plans), as well as the current situation of this market in Metropolitan Lima. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people with health insurance in the country, as well as in their capital. However, despite this, there is still a significant gap in access to timely and quality healthcare. It has been evaluated that there is a significant concentration of healthcare service providers in Lima; nevertheless, a large number of people with an active healthcare insurance do not have access to good healthcare services. Among the main disadvantaged groups, we identify women, individuals with limited resources, the elderly, the LGBT population, among others. There is an opportunity for growth within the private health insurance sector and the reduction of this gap in accessibility to timely and quality healthcare services through the creation of products tailored to the needs of the identified groups. Therefore, this document will seek to demonstrate, through an example, that the development of consumer-focused products substantially benefits both the market and its main stakeholders.
Palabras clave
Servicios de salud--Perú, Planificación estratégica, Mercadeo--Planificación
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