Presupuestos del giro heideggeriano hacia la experiencia del lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
La concepción instrumental de la palabra” tiene como marco de referencia lametafísica de la subjetividad moderna, de la cual surgen en una u otra medida lafilosofía y la ciencia del lenguaje. Tomando como punto de partida de su método fenomenológico el ir de camino en pos de la experiencia del lenguaje” –másallá de los presupuestos básicos establecidos por la tradición filosófica– Heideggerlogra superar el reduccionismo lingüístico de Occidente. La pregunta por laesencia del lenguaje –que corresponde finalmente a los interrogantes: ¿Qué esel lenguaje? y ¿cuál es su fundamento?– es superada por la pregunta ¿cómoacontece el lenguaje como tal? Teniendo en cuenta estos presupuestos, haceruna experiencia con el lenguaje significa dejarse abordar por la interpelaciónde la ‘palabra’ en una actitud de espera sin objeto que representar”. Libre de lasataduras de la representación, el lenguaje es concebido en su sentido ontológicocomo apertura a la posibilidad.
Presuppositions of the Heideggerian Turn towards the Experience of Language”.The framework of the instrumental conception of the word” is Modernmetaphysics of subjectivity. The philosophy and science of language somehowemerge thereof. Taking as starting-point of his phenomenologic method to engageon the way towards the experience of language” –beyond the basic presuppositionsestablished by the philosophic tradition– Heidegger overcomes Western linguisticreductionism. The question about the essence of language –which finally asks:What is language? What is its foundation?– is overcome by the question: Howdoes language itself occur? Taking into account these assumptions, to have anexperience with language means to let oneself be appealed by the ‘word’ in anexpectant attitude, without an object to represent”. Free of the representationbonds, language is conceived of in its ontological sense as an opening topossibility.
Presuppositions of the Heideggerian Turn towards the Experience of Language”.The framework of the instrumental conception of the word” is Modernmetaphysics of subjectivity. The philosophy and science of language somehowemerge thereof. Taking as starting-point of his phenomenologic method to engageon the way towards the experience of language” –beyond the basic presuppositionsestablished by the philosophic tradition– Heidegger overcomes Western linguisticreductionism. The question about the essence of language –which finally asks:What is language? What is its foundation?– is overcome by the question: Howdoes language itself occur? Taking into account these assumptions, to have anexperience with language means to let oneself be appealed by the ‘word’ in anexpectant attitude, without an object to represent”. Free of the representationbonds, language is conceived of in its ontological sense as an opening topossibility.
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