Demanda de trabajo del hogar remunerado en el Perú urbano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El objetivo de este artículo es tanto analizar los determinantes de la probabilidad de contratar trabajo del hogar remunerado, como estimar la función de demanda de estos servicios por parte de los hogares. Dado que la mayoría de los trabajadores del hogar se encuentra en el sector urbano, vamos a analizar solamente la demanda de trabajo del hogar remunerado en dicho sector. Para esto emplearemos la Encuesta Nacional de Uso del Tiempo (ENNUT) y la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO), para el año 2010, y la ENAHO del año 2016. En cuanto a la probabilidad de contratar trabajo del hogar remunerado, encontramos que si bien la contratación de trabajo del hogar remunerado «cama adentro» se está reduciendo en relación al THR «cama afuera», este persiste en los hogares «mayores» y con más ingresos, mientras los hogares más jóvenes contratan en su mayoría trabajadoras del hogar por horas. Asimismo, mayores ingresos laborales y no laborales llevan a una mayor probabilidad de contratar THR en relación a no hacerlo, y los efectos marginales del ingreso laboral del cónyuge son mayores para la modalidad «cama adentro», sucediendo lo contrario para la modalidad «cama afuera». En cuanto a la demanda de trabajo del hogar remunerado, encontramos que las horas demandadas dependen negativamente de la tasa de salarios pagada a la trabajadora del hogar y positivamente de los ingresos familiares. Asimismo, existe un efecto sustitución entre el trabajo doméstico de los miembros y el de trabajadora del hogar remunerada. Adicionalmente, la presencia de mujeres en el hogar reduce las horas demandadas de THR «cama adentro». Finalmente, las jornadas laborales son mayores si el empleador vive en Lima Metropolitana, lo cual está relacionado a que este es el mayor mercado de trabajo del hogar remunerado en el Perú, donde también se encuentra la mayor oferta.
The aim of this article is both to analyze the determinants of the probability of demanding paid domestic work (PDW), and to estimate the demand of the households for these services. Given that that the majority of the domestic workers are in the cities, we are going to analyze this demand in the urbane area. We will work with the Encuesta Nacional de Uso del Tiempo (ENNUT) and the Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO), for the years 2010, and with the ENAHO 2016. Regarding the probability of hiring domestic paid work, we find that even if the demand for live—in domestic work is falling if compared with live—out domestic work, that type of arrangement subsists for «older» and richer households, while the younger household hire mostly live—out paid domestic workers. We also find that higher labor and non—labor earnings have a positive effect on the probability of hiring PDW in relation to not hiring it, and the marginal effects of the labor earnings of the spouse are higher for live—in workers, and the effect is the opposite for live – out workers. Regarding the demand of paid domestic work, we find that the hours demanded have a negative relation with the wage paid to the domestic worker and a positive relation with the family earnings. More so, there is a substitution effect between the domestic work done by the members of the household and the hours worked by the paid domestic workers. Additionally, the presence of women in the household reduces the hours of live—in paid housework demanded. Finally, the labor journey is longer if the employer lives in Lima Metropolitana, which is related to the fact that the capital city is the greatest market for paid housework in Peru, and also where the majority of these workers are.
The aim of this article is both to analyze the determinants of the probability of demanding paid domestic work (PDW), and to estimate the demand of the households for these services. Given that that the majority of the domestic workers are in the cities, we are going to analyze this demand in the urbane area. We will work with the Encuesta Nacional de Uso del Tiempo (ENNUT) and the Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO), for the years 2010, and with the ENAHO 2016. Regarding the probability of hiring domestic paid work, we find that even if the demand for live—in domestic work is falling if compared with live—out domestic work, that type of arrangement subsists for «older» and richer households, while the younger household hire mostly live—out paid domestic workers. We also find that higher labor and non—labor earnings have a positive effect on the probability of hiring PDW in relation to not hiring it, and the marginal effects of the labor earnings of the spouse are higher for live—in workers, and the effect is the opposite for live – out workers. Regarding the demand of paid domestic work, we find that the hours demanded have a negative relation with the wage paid to the domestic worker and a positive relation with the family earnings. More so, there is a substitution effect between the domestic work done by the members of the household and the hours worked by the paid domestic workers. Additionally, the presence of women in the household reduces the hours of live—in paid housework demanded. Finally, the labor journey is longer if the employer lives in Lima Metropolitana, which is related to the fact that the capital city is the greatest market for paid housework in Peru, and also where the majority of these workers are.
Palabras clave
Labor market, Paid housework, labor demand, gender, Empleo
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