Plan de motivación para los trabajadores del área de producción de una empresa de alimentos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo identificar las fuentes de
motivación que experimentan los colaboradores del área de producción de una empresa de
alimentos, con el fin de poder sugerir un plan de motivación laboral que pueda ayudar al
desarrollo y crecimiento organizacional, así como de los asociados de la empresa. Dado que
los colaboradores son un grupo de interés importante dentro de la organización, que pueden
generar un diferencial competitivo en el mundo globalizado, es que se decidió realizar la
presente investigación. Asimismo, es importante mencionar que en el Perú abundan los
emprendedores, empresas informales y familiares. Siendo Bartori S.A.C. una empresa
familiar con veintisiete años en el mercado, se considera útil y atractivo estudiar su dinámica
de gestión.
Se inició el estudio con la elaboración del diagnóstico situacional de la empresa y se
planteó como problema principal la ausencia en la aplicación de diversos tipos de motivación.
La investigación realizada tuvo un enfoque cualitativo, fue de tipo de investigación
descriptivo, transversal, no experimental. Las técnicas de recolección de datos utilizadas
fueron la entrevista, encuesta y observación. La encuesta fue recibida y procesada a través del
Formulario de Google. El instrumento de recolección de datos utilizado fue la Escala
Multidimensional de Motivación Laboral (MWMS), que refleja el análisis de la teoría de la
Posteriormente, se procedió a realizar el análisis e interpretación de los resultados
obtenidos en la encuesta y con los apuntes recaudados en las entrevistas a la señora ex jefe de
producción, a la señora experta y las observaciones de los investigadores, se procedió
finalmente a preparar la propuesta del plan de motivación laboral sugerido para la empresa de
This research is primarily intended to identify the sources of motivation that can be found by the workers of the production line in a food company. The ultimate goal is to propose a worker motivation plan that can boost motivation in those workers and add to the development and growth of the Company. Decision to conduct this kind study was based on a realization and reinforcement of the idea that workers, employees, collaborators, etc are a critical stakeholder in an organization, business, company, who can drive a competitive advantage for any given company in this globalized world. On the other hand, it is worth noting, at this point that entrepreneurs, informal and family businesses abound in Peru. Being Bartori S.A.C. is a family business with twenty-seven years in the market, it is a considered useful and attractive to study its management dynamics. The research was begun with the preparation of a situational diagnosis of the family business and the observed lack of motivation in the application of different motivation types. A qualitative approach was used; it was descriptive, cross-sectional, non-experimental. The data collection techniques used were the interview, survey and observation. The survey study was conducted and processed using Google form. The data collection instrument used was the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (MWMS), which reflects the analysis of the self-determination theory. Subsequently, we proceeded to carry out an analysis and interpretation of the data collected and results obtained from the survey as well as the notes taken in interviews with the former head of production, the expert consulted and the observations of the researchers, we finally began preparing a draft proposal of the worker motivational plan for this food company that is a family business.
This research is primarily intended to identify the sources of motivation that can be found by the workers of the production line in a food company. The ultimate goal is to propose a worker motivation plan that can boost motivation in those workers and add to the development and growth of the Company. Decision to conduct this kind study was based on a realization and reinforcement of the idea that workers, employees, collaborators, etc are a critical stakeholder in an organization, business, company, who can drive a competitive advantage for any given company in this globalized world. On the other hand, it is worth noting, at this point that entrepreneurs, informal and family businesses abound in Peru. Being Bartori S.A.C. is a family business with twenty-seven years in the market, it is a considered useful and attractive to study its management dynamics. The research was begun with the preparation of a situational diagnosis of the family business and the observed lack of motivation in the application of different motivation types. A qualitative approach was used; it was descriptive, cross-sectional, non-experimental. The data collection techniques used were the interview, survey and observation. The survey study was conducted and processed using Google form. The data collection instrument used was the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (MWMS), which reflects the analysis of the self-determination theory. Subsequently, we proceeded to carry out an analysis and interpretation of the data collected and results obtained from the survey as well as the notes taken in interviews with the former head of production, the expert consulted and the observations of the researchers, we finally began preparing a draft proposal of the worker motivational plan for this food company that is a family business.
Palabras clave
Empresas familiares--Administración--Perú, Comportamiento organizacional, Motivación del empleado
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