Legislación Ambiental Mexicana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El tiempo y la experiencia en la aplicación de la Legislación Ambiental Mexicana ha sido detonante para el desarrollo de mecanismos cada vez más eficientes para la protección al medio ambiente.El Sistema Legal Mexicano es un sistema de derecho positivo. Así, el Derecho mexicano se encuentra basado en leyes escritas, reglamentos y otras disposiciones legales, creadas por el Congreso de la Unión y el Ejecutivo Federal; todas, aplicables en el territorio mexicano; sin perder de vista el rol de las Normas Oficiales Mexicanas (NOM’s) y las Normas Mexicanas (NMX).El presente artículo hará un recorrido en la transformación de la legislación ambiental desde las reformas constitucionales de 1987, hasta el día de hoy.
The evolution of environmental law in Mexico has developed efficient mechanisms for environmental protection. Mexico’s legal system stems from the civil law tradition and therefore is a system of positivelaw. Thus, the Mexican legal system is based in written laws, regulations and other legalprovisions, created by the legislature (Federal Congress) and applicable in the Mexicanterritory, without losing sight of Mexican Official Standards (NOM’s) and Mexican Standards (NMX).The present article will make and overview on the transformation of environmental law since 1987’s constitutional reforms, to the present day.
The evolution of environmental law in Mexico has developed efficient mechanisms for environmental protection. Mexico’s legal system stems from the civil law tradition and therefore is a system of positivelaw. Thus, the Mexican legal system is based in written laws, regulations and other legalprovisions, created by the legislature (Federal Congress) and applicable in the Mexicanterritory, without losing sight of Mexican Official Standards (NOM’s) and Mexican Standards (NMX).The present article will make and overview on the transformation of environmental law since 1987’s constitutional reforms, to the present day.
Palabras clave
Law, Mexican Constitution, Mexican Environmental Law, Secretariat of Environment And Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), Federal Attorney For Environmental Protection (PROFEPA), Mexican Official Standards (NOM’s), Mexican Standards (NMX’s), Environmental Liability, National Agency of Industrial Safety And Environmental Protection of Oil Sector, Constitución mexicana, Legislación ambiental mexicana, Secretaría de medio ambiente y recursos naturales (SEMARNAT), Procuraduría federal de protección al ambiente (PROFEPA), Normas oficiales mexicanas (nom’s), Normas mexicanas (nmx’s), Agencia nacional d
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