Business consulting – Parque del Recuerdo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este Business Consulting ha sido realizado para Parque del Recuerdo, empresa
con identidad católica con más de 30 años en el mercado, y que tiene la misión de ofrecer
cristiana sepultura a las familias bajo el respeto y la reverencia, a través de un servicio
transparente con acompañamiento profesional y personalizado ante el difícil proceso de la
pérdida de un ser querido.
En base al análisis y revisión del AMOFHIT y el FODA, así como, de las
entrevistas a los principales líderes de la institución, se llega a la conclusión que el
problema central radica en la posible fuga de talentos de la institución, la cual imposibilita
la sostenibilidad del plan estratégico a largo plazo. En cuanto a la causa raíz del problema
central se usó la Matriz de Ishikawa con la cual se pudo identificar 5 principales causas: la
falta de competencias definidas, carencia de evaluación de desarrollo, falta de
categorización de puestos, recursos insuficientes y desconocimiento del rol de talento.
Las alternativas de solución, que enfrentan el problema central y las 5 causas que la
generan, tienen un enfoque sostenible y medible y se centran en la propuesta de la
restructuración del equipo de Gestión de personas. De esta manera, se propone repotenciar
los subsistemas de Compensaciones y Desarrollo Organizacional para brindar una solución
al problema identificado y velar por el cumplimiento de la estrategia organizacional
planteada. El proyecto constará de 10 meses y tiene como principal sustento de inversión
los impactos negativos que aquejan a la institución actualmente por no tener la gestión
This Business Consulting has been carried out for Parque del Recuerdo, a company with a Catholic identity with more than 30 years in the market, and whose mission is to offer Christian burial to families with respect and reverence, through a transparent service with professional and personalized accompaniment in the difficult process of the loss of a loved one. Based on the analysis and review of the AMOFHIT and SWOT, as well as interviews with the main leaders of the institution, it is concluded that the central problem lies in the possible brain drain of the institution, which makes it impossible to sustain the strategic plan in the long term. As for the root cause of the central problem, the Ishikawa Matrix was used to identify five main causes: lack of defined competencies, lack of development evaluation, lack of job categorization, insufficient resources and lack of knowledge of the role of talent. The solution alternatives, which address the central problem and the 5 causes that generate it, have a sustainable and measurable focus and are centered on the proposed restructuring of the People Management team. In this way, it is proposed to strengthen the Compensation and Organizational Development subsystems to provide a solution to the identified problem and ensure compliance with the organizational strategy. The project will last 10 months and its main investment is based on the negative impacts that currently affect the institution due to the lack of the proposed management.
This Business Consulting has been carried out for Parque del Recuerdo, a company with a Catholic identity with more than 30 years in the market, and whose mission is to offer Christian burial to families with respect and reverence, through a transparent service with professional and personalized accompaniment in the difficult process of the loss of a loved one. Based on the analysis and review of the AMOFHIT and SWOT, as well as interviews with the main leaders of the institution, it is concluded that the central problem lies in the possible brain drain of the institution, which makes it impossible to sustain the strategic plan in the long term. As for the root cause of the central problem, the Ishikawa Matrix was used to identify five main causes: lack of defined competencies, lack of development evaluation, lack of job categorization, insufficient resources and lack of knowledge of the role of talent. The solution alternatives, which address the central problem and the 5 causes that generate it, have a sustainable and measurable focus and are centered on the proposed restructuring of the People Management team. In this way, it is proposed to strengthen the Compensation and Organizational Development subsystems to provide a solution to the identified problem and ensure compliance with the organizational strategy. The project will last 10 months and its main investment is based on the negative impacts that currently affect the institution due to the lack of the proposed management.
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