La Renta Básica como Posible Instrumento de la Conciliación Personal, Familiar y Laboral
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio analizará, en primer lugar, el estado de la conciliación de la vida personal, familiar y laboral, señalando aquellas carencias que presenta y los obstáculos del desarrollo de este derecho. Adicionalmente, se analizará si el establecimiento de una renta básica puede ser un incentivo a la conciliación, o en cambio sería perjudicial, esto último visto desde la perspectiva del género.
The present paper will analyze, in the first place, the state of reconciliation of work, personal and family life, pointing those deficiencies that are presented, and the obstacles on the development of this right. Additionally, it will analyze if the establishment of a basic income could be an incentive to this reconciliation or, to the contrary, it could have an adverse effect, this seen from a gender perspective.
The present paper will analyze, in the first place, the state of reconciliation of work, personal and family life, pointing those deficiencies that are presented, and the obstacles on the development of this right. Additionally, it will analyze if the establishment of a basic income could be an incentive to this reconciliation or, to the contrary, it could have an adverse effect, this seen from a gender perspective.
Palabras clave
Conciliación de vida familiar y laboral, Renta básica, Perspectiva de género, Crisis económica, Derechos laborales
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