Conexiones entre inversión foránea directa, acceso a recursos naturales y desarrollo local en un área minera: el caso de Antamina, Ancash
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Durante los años noventa el Estado peruano adoptó una tendencia neoliberal con el objetivo de reactivar la economía con la atracción de Inversiones Foráneas Directas (IFD). El rubro minero fue uno de los sectores más beneficiados por estas nuevas reformas políticas que habilitaron a una serie de compañías multinacionales explorar y explotar los recursos minerales en los parajes más recónditos del país. La llegada de estas grandes empresas no solo significó un enorme crecimiento macroeconómico sino también una cuantiosa inyección de capital y un cambio en el acceso de los recursos naturales. Estos cambios causaron diferentes protestas en las comunidades campesinas ubicadas en las áreas de influencia minera que dan pie a la creación de nuevas perspectivas de cómo lograr un desarrollo local. Una de las maneras de estudiar las interacciones entre estos dos actores —la mina y las comunidades— es mediante el uso del análisis de discurso y narrativas.De este modo, este artículo tiene como objetivo hallar las conexiones entre IFD, acceso a los recursos y desarrollo local en nueve comunidades en la cuenca del río Ayash y la multinacional Compañía Minera Antamina (CMA). En este sentido, se utilizaron métodos cualitativos para describir y analizar los efectos directos e indirectos en la población y en su acceso a los recursos. También se analizará cómo la ausencia del Estado puede dar cabida a un uso inadecuado de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) y, en consecuencia, motivar a las comunidades a reclamar compensaciones por los daños ambientales. Siguiendo esta línea, se utilizará el Análisis de Discurso para esquematizar estas protestas en forma de narrativas de desarrollo y establecer nuevas consideraciones para futuros y actuales proyectos de IFD en minería.
During the 90s the Peruvian state embraced a neoliberal tendency with the objective of reactive the economy with the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The mining sector was one of the most benefits due of these new policy reforms that encouraged the expansion of a number of multinational companies to explore and exploit mineral resources in the most remote places in the country. The arrival of these big companies not only meant a huge macroeconomic growth but also a substantial injection of capital and a change in natural resources access. These changes led to number of protest in the peasant communities located in areas affected by mining that give rise to the creation of new perspectives for achieving local development. One way of studying the interaction between these actors—the mine and communities—is through the use of discourse analysis and narratives.Thereby, this article has the main objective of find out connections among FDI, natural resources access and local development in nine communities of the Ayash river watershed and the multinational Antamina mine company (AMC). In this sense, we used qualitative methods to describe and analyze direct and indirect effects into local communities and into their resources access. We also analyze how the absence of the state may cause an inappropriate use of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and thus motivate communities to claim compensation for environmental damage. Therefore we use Discourse Analysis for outline this protest in development narratives and establish new considerations in current and futures FDI projects in mining.
During the 90s the Peruvian state embraced a neoliberal tendency with the objective of reactive the economy with the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The mining sector was one of the most benefits due of these new policy reforms that encouraged the expansion of a number of multinational companies to explore and exploit mineral resources in the most remote places in the country. The arrival of these big companies not only meant a huge macroeconomic growth but also a substantial injection of capital and a change in natural resources access. These changes led to number of protest in the peasant communities located in areas affected by mining that give rise to the creation of new perspectives for achieving local development. One way of studying the interaction between these actors—the mine and communities—is through the use of discourse analysis and narratives.Thereby, this article has the main objective of find out connections among FDI, natural resources access and local development in nine communities of the Ayash river watershed and the multinational Antamina mine company (AMC). In this sense, we used qualitative methods to describe and analyze direct and indirect effects into local communities and into their resources access. We also analyze how the absence of the state may cause an inappropriate use of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and thus motivate communities to claim compensation for environmental damage. Therefore we use Discourse Analysis for outline this protest in development narratives and establish new considerations in current and futures FDI projects in mining.
Palabras clave
Geografía, Fdi, Discourse Analysis, Narratives, Csr, Geografía, Ifd, Análisis de Discurso, Narrativas, Rsc