Plan estratégico de marketing de nueva línea de jugos premium para the Coca-Cola Company
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La alimentación saludable está cambiando los patrones de consumo de la sociedad, los
consumidores están eligiendo productos bajos en grasas, sin preservantes u otros
componentes dañinos a la salud. La categoría de jugos no es ajena a esta realidad, de acuerdo
a las tendencias globales, regionales y locales, se ha evaluado la posibilidad de incorporar un
jugo Premium RTD (100% jugo listo para consumir) al portafolio de The Coca-Cola
Company en Lima Metropolitana. El presente Plan de Marketing Estratégico, tiene como
objetivo la incorporación de esta nueva categoría y con ello, lograr un impacto económico y
El portafolio de productos se basa en las motivaciones del segmento de mercado
escogido, quienes buscan en la categoría: (a) nutrición esencial, (b) nutrición funcional para
saciar el hambre y (c) nutrición funcional que activa. A partir de estas motivaciones se ha
determinado el precio en base al valor percibido de cada uno de los productos. Asimismo, se
han planteado estrategias de distribución en diversos canales; y desarrollado los mensajes
para los medios de comunicación idóneos que impacten al público objetivo. Cabe resaltar que
cada uno de los conceptos de los productos presentados tuvieron aceptación en los
encuestados; así como, una alta predisposición de compra.
Asimismo, cabe resaltar que el presente Plan Estratégico de Marketing tendrá un
impacto social en el VRAEM, a través de los públicos de interés de comunidad y de
proveedores. Por otro lado, el reciclaje de las botellas contribuirá con un impacto positivo en
el medio ambiente.
Finalmente, después de realizada la evaluación financiera, se define que el proyecto es
viable pues genera un VAN de S/.1’610,078 en el periodo de cinco años, impactando
adicionalmente con un ROI de 29%
Healthy eating behavior is changing society's consumption patterns. Consumers are choosing low-fat and are avoiding non-preservatives or other health-damaging components. The juice category is no exception to this. According to global, regional and local trends, there’s an opportunity to add a Premium Ready-to-Drink (RTD) juice to the product portfolio of The Coca-Cola Company in Metropolitan Lima. This Strategic Marketing Plan aims to incorporate this new category, and by doing so achieve a positive economic and social impact. The proposal of the new product portfolio is based on the motivations of consumers who seek in the category (a) essential nutrition, (b) functional nutrition to quench hunger, and (c) functional nutrition that activates. Based on these motivations and the perceived value of each of the products, the price has been determined. Likewise go-to-market strategies have been proposed with different distribution channels and appropriate media messages to most effectively impact the target audience. It should be noted that each of the presented product concepts was well accepted by the respondents with a high purchasing predisposition. Similarly, it should be emphasized that this Strategic Marketing Plan will have a positive social impact on the VRAEM through both public interest community and suppliers. On the other hand, recycling of the bottles will clearly contribute to the environment. Finally, after the financial evaluation, the project is defined as viable, generating a NPV of S /. S/.1’610,078 over a five-year period with a ROI of 29%.
Healthy eating behavior is changing society's consumption patterns. Consumers are choosing low-fat and are avoiding non-preservatives or other health-damaging components. The juice category is no exception to this. According to global, regional and local trends, there’s an opportunity to add a Premium Ready-to-Drink (RTD) juice to the product portfolio of The Coca-Cola Company in Metropolitan Lima. This Strategic Marketing Plan aims to incorporate this new category, and by doing so achieve a positive economic and social impact. The proposal of the new product portfolio is based on the motivations of consumers who seek in the category (a) essential nutrition, (b) functional nutrition to quench hunger, and (c) functional nutrition that activates. Based on these motivations and the perceived value of each of the products, the price has been determined. Likewise go-to-market strategies have been proposed with different distribution channels and appropriate media messages to most effectively impact the target audience. It should be noted that each of the presented product concepts was well accepted by the respondents with a high purchasing predisposition. Similarly, it should be emphasized that this Strategic Marketing Plan will have a positive social impact on the VRAEM through both public interest community and suppliers. On the other hand, recycling of the bottles will clearly contribute to the environment. Finally, after the financial evaluation, the project is defined as viable, generating a NPV of S /. S/.1’610,078 over a five-year period with a ROI of 29%.
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