Un texto teatral oculto de Juan Pablo Forner: la comedia de Los aduladores
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En este artículo se rescata del olvido una las escasas obras teatrales compuestas por Juan Pablo Forner en el siglo XVIII español que hemos conservado, pero de la cual no existían noticias en la actualidad. Se trata de una comedia, Los aduladores, que fue estrenada, póstuma, en Madrid, en el Teatro de la Cruz, en el año 1797. Se estudian diversos aspectos sobre la misma: su conservación en bibliotecas, la transmisión de su texto, su autoría, sus fuentes de composición, las circunstancias de su estreno madrileño, la compañía que se ocupó de su representación, su éxito entre los espectadores y su eco en la prensa de la época. Se reproduce el único artículo que le fue dedicado, con motivo de su estreno, en los periódicos del momento publicados en Madrid, un artículo que apareció impreso en el Memorial literario, en el que se comentaba muy favorablemente su montaje, y se resumía su argumento.
This article rescues from oblivion one of the few plays composed by Juan Pablo Forner in the Spanish Eighteenth Century that we have preserved, but of which there was no news at the present time. It is a comedy, Los aduladores, which was premiered posthumously in Madrid, at the Teatro de la Cruz, in 1797. Various aspects are studied about it: its preservation in libraries, the transmission of its text, its authorship, its sources of composition, the circumstances of its Madrid premiere, the company that took care of its performance, its success among the audience, its echo in the press of the time. It reproduces the only article that was dedicated to him, on the occasion of its premiere, in the newspapers of the time published in Madrid, an article that appeared in print in Memorial Literario, which commented very favourably on his staging, and summarised his argument.
This article rescues from oblivion one of the few plays composed by Juan Pablo Forner in the Spanish Eighteenth Century that we have preserved, but of which there was no news at the present time. It is a comedy, Los aduladores, which was premiered posthumously in Madrid, at the Teatro de la Cruz, in 1797. Various aspects are studied about it: its preservation in libraries, the transmission of its text, its authorship, its sources of composition, the circumstances of its Madrid premiere, the company that took care of its performance, its success among the audience, its echo in the press of the time. It reproduces the only article that was dedicated to him, on the occasion of its premiere, in the newspapers of the time published in Madrid, an article that appeared in print in Memorial Literario, which commented very favourably on his staging, and summarised his argument.
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