La transformación socioeconómica de Farfán bajo el gobierno inka
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
La estrategia política inka en el valle de Jequetepeque era desconocida hasta las investigaciones arqueológicas recientes llevadas a cabo en el centro administrativo de Farfán. Los resultados de estas han mostrado los cambios políticos, económicos e ideológicos iniciados por los inkas después de su conquista de este centro chimú. Los inkas establecieron nuevos rangos de burócratas, construyeron nuevas estructuras de almacenamiento e introdujeron la producción. Además, construyeron una plataforma funeraria que, como Túcume, al norte, contenía los entierros de mujeres tipo aclla, las que estaban encargadas de la producción textil. Bajo el dominio inka hubo un incremento en la población y la complejidad, y el complejo de Farfán asumió un aspecto urbano que no existía durante la ocupación anterior chimú.
The Socioeconomic Transformation of Farfán under Inka RuleInka political strategy in the Jequetepeque Valley was unknown until recent archaeological investigations at the administrative center of Farfan. Results of the research have demonstrated the political, economic and ideological changes initiated by the Inkas after their conquest of this Chimu center. The Inkas established new ranks of bureaucrats, constructed new storage facilities, and introduced production. A burial platform was constructed by the Inkas that, like Tucume to the north, contained the interments of an aclla-like class of females who were engaged in textile production. Under Inka rule there was an increase in population and complexity and Farfan assumed an urban aspect that had not been present during the former Chimu occupation.
The Socioeconomic Transformation of Farfán under Inka RuleInka political strategy in the Jequetepeque Valley was unknown until recent archaeological investigations at the administrative center of Farfan. Results of the research have demonstrated the political, economic and ideological changes initiated by the Inkas after their conquest of this Chimu center. The Inkas established new ranks of bureaucrats, constructed new storage facilities, and introduced production. A burial platform was constructed by the Inkas that, like Tucume to the north, contained the interments of an aclla-like class of females who were engaged in textile production. Under Inka rule there was an increase in population and complexity and Farfan assumed an urban aspect that had not been present during the former Chimu occupation.
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