Ordenamiento ambiental en áreas protegidas de montaña: una propuesta a partir del estudio de los impactos del pastoreo en el Parque Nacional Huascarán
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
El ordenamiento ambiental es un proceso que promueve el uso adecuado del suelo a través de la regulación, la planificación y el manejo de elementos relaciona dos con un ambiente específico. Sin embargo, este proceso ha sido asumido muchas veces como estático, considerando solo aspectos físicos en el análisis de problemas ambientales. El concepto no ha tomado en cuenta el conjunto de valores, actitudes y motivaciones que gobiernan la relación entre la sociedad y la naturaleza.En las áreas protegidas de montaña, los intentos por llevar a cabo procesos de ordenamiento ambiental han sido aun más difíciles, debido a su alta variabilidad física, social y cultural, y a las formas en que se han entendido las relaciones entre sus habitantes y la naturaleza. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el presente documento propone que los análisis en los procesos de ordenamiento ambiental en las áreas protegidas de montaña se centren en el estudio de las características físicas y socio-culturales de dichos am bientes, pues estas últimas construyen las estructuras que guían y dirigen las acti vidades de los grupos que utilizan los recursos naturales de dichas zonas. Esto permitirá, a su vez, entender y explicar sus prácticas y cómo estas generan cambios en el medio ambiente, lo cual facilitaría la regulación, planificación y gestión de las áreas protegidas de montaña.Bajo esta premisa, se ha tomado como ejemplo el caso del pastoreo en el ParqueNacional Huascarán para determinar las formas en que creemos deberían de ser analizadas las actividades que van a ser reguladas, planificadas y manejadas duran te el proceso de ordenamiento ambiental. Este caso intenta servir como ejemplo de análisis de otras actividades en áreas naturales protegidas de montaña, en el marco de procesos de ordenamiento ambiental en dichas zonas.Para llevar a cabo este estudio se escogieron tres casos en el interior del parque, en los que se analizaron las características físicas, sociales y culturales que podían·estar guiando o estructurando el desarrollo de la actividad, para luego de ellointentar vincularlas con la ocurrencia de impactos sobre el paisaje. Paralelamente, se trató de confirmar la existencia de cambios ambientales en el área a través de la revisión de fotos aéreas y de la construcción de perfiles topográficos para determinar si estos indicadores de impacto se hallaban efectivamente vinculados con el pastoreo. Finalmente, a partir del análisis de estos casos, se plantean algunas consideracionespara el proceso de ordenamiento ambiental en áreas protegidas de montaña.
Environmental ordering is a process that promotes adequate land use through regulation, planning and management of the elements of a specific environment. Nevertheless, the process of environmental ordering has been assumed as static, considering only physical aspects in the analysis of environmental problems. The concept has not regarded the joint of values, attitudes, and motivations that govern the relationship between society and nature.In mountain protected areas, the attempts to take on environmental orderinghave been even more difficult because of their high physical, social, and cultural variability; as much as the ways the relationship between their inhabitants and nature has been understood. In the face of this, the present text poses that, in the process of environmental ordering of these areas, the attention should be placed on specific socio-cultural and natural environmental features, which represent the structures that guide and address the activities of the groups that use the natural resources of the area. This will allow understanding and explaining their practices and how they lead to environmental changes. This understanding, in turn, will facilitare the phases of regulation, planning, and management of the mountain protected areas. Under this premise, I have analysed the grazing impacts in Huascarán National Park, by studying the factors that guide this activity. This case attempts to be an example of analysis of other activities in mountain protected areas when processes of environmental ordering are undertaken in such zones.In order to accomplish this, I chose three cases within the park and I present their physical, social, and cultural characteristics related to grazing. These characteristics helped me to find out the structures that might be guiding the development of grazing, and how they influence the way grazing causes different impacts on the landscape of the park. Simultaneously, the existence of environmental changes in the area was confirmed through the review of aerial photos, and the construction of topographic profiles. Afterwards, I analysed if these changes were linked to grazing or not. At the end, I pose sorne considerations to undertake environmental ordering in mountain protected areas through an alternative view emerged from the three study cases in the park.
Environmental ordering is a process that promotes adequate land use through regulation, planning and management of the elements of a specific environment. Nevertheless, the process of environmental ordering has been assumed as static, considering only physical aspects in the analysis of environmental problems. The concept has not regarded the joint of values, attitudes, and motivations that govern the relationship between society and nature.In mountain protected areas, the attempts to take on environmental orderinghave been even more difficult because of their high physical, social, and cultural variability; as much as the ways the relationship between their inhabitants and nature has been understood. In the face of this, the present text poses that, in the process of environmental ordering of these areas, the attention should be placed on specific socio-cultural and natural environmental features, which represent the structures that guide and address the activities of the groups that use the natural resources of the area. This will allow understanding and explaining their practices and how they lead to environmental changes. This understanding, in turn, will facilitare the phases of regulation, planning, and management of the mountain protected areas. Under this premise, I have analysed the grazing impacts in Huascarán National Park, by studying the factors that guide this activity. This case attempts to be an example of analysis of other activities in mountain protected areas when processes of environmental ordering are undertaken in such zones.In order to accomplish this, I chose three cases within the park and I present their physical, social, and cultural characteristics related to grazing. These characteristics helped me to find out the structures that might be guiding the development of grazing, and how they influence the way grazing causes different impacts on the landscape of the park. Simultaneously, the existence of environmental changes in the area was confirmed through the review of aerial photos, and the construction of topographic profiles. Afterwards, I analysed if these changes were linked to grazing or not. At the end, I pose sorne considerations to undertake environmental ordering in mountain protected areas through an alternative view emerged from the three study cases in the park.
Palabras clave
Ordenamiento Ambiental, Áreas Naturales Protegidas, Zonas de Montaña, Pastoreo, Impactos Ambientales, Parque Nacional Huascarán, Geography, Environmental Ordering, Protected Natural Areas, Mountain Areas, Grazing, Environmental Impacts, Huascarán National Park
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