El Vínculo Docente - Estudiante en el aprendizaje de la Educación Artística con Enfoque Waldorf en la modalidad a distancia en el nivel secundaria, de una Institución Educativa Privada de Lima - Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el 2020, el vínculo docente – estudiante, se enmarca en un contexto de emergencia
sanitaria por la pandemia del COVID – 19. Las clases presenciales cambian a la
modalidad a distancia. Esta investigación busca observar cómo se desenvuelve dicho
vínculo desde una dimensión emocional y cognitiva relacionada al aprendizaje de la
Educación Artística de Enfoque Waldorf, considerando que el uso de las TIC se
contrapone con la identidad Waldorf. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo general analizar
las características que presenta el vínculo docente - estudiante en la modalidad a
distancia para el aprendizaje de la Educación Artística con enfoque Waldorf de nivel
secundaria, en una IEP de Lima – Perú. Sus objetivos específicos son describir las
características que presenta la dimensión emocional de dicho vínculo e identificar las
características que presenta la dimensión cognitiva del mismo. El enfoque es
cualitativo, de nivel descriptivo y emplea un método de estudio de caso. La información
es recogida mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas a docentes tutores y
estudiantes de secundaria de un colegio Waldorf de Lima; y por una observación no
participante aplicada a la coordinadora artística. Los resultados indican un vínculo
emocional cercano, confiable, seguro, empático y motivador. Se recomienda seguir
cuidando las características que dan identidad a este enfoque y se sugiere hacer
mejoras para estar preparados, si en un futuro el uso de esta modalidad se vuelve a
In 2020, the teacher-student bond is framed in a context of health emergency owed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Face-to-face classes change to distance learning. This research seeks to observe how this bond develops from an emotional and cognitive dimension related to the learning of Artistic Education with a Waldorf Approach, considering that the use of ICT is opposed to the Waldorf identity. The general objective of this work is to analyze the characteristics of the teacher-student bond in the distance modality for the learning of Artistic Education with a Waldorf approach at the secondary level, in an IEP in Lima - Peru. Its specific objectives are to describe the characteristics that the emotional dimension of said bond presents and to identify the characteristics that its cognitive dimension presents as well. The approach is qualitative, descriptive level and employs a case study method. The information is collected through semi-structured interviews applied to tutor teachers and secondary students at a Waldorf school in Lima; as well as a non-participant observation applied to the art coordinator. The results indicate a close, reliable, secure, empathetic and motivating emotional bond. And a cognitive bond that accompanies the learning rhythms individually and in groups, giving them constant feedback. It is recommended to continue taking care of the characteristics that give identity to this approach and it is suggested to make improvements to be prepared, if in the future the use of this modality is considered again.
In 2020, the teacher-student bond is framed in a context of health emergency owed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Face-to-face classes change to distance learning. This research seeks to observe how this bond develops from an emotional and cognitive dimension related to the learning of Artistic Education with a Waldorf Approach, considering that the use of ICT is opposed to the Waldorf identity. The general objective of this work is to analyze the characteristics of the teacher-student bond in the distance modality for the learning of Artistic Education with a Waldorf approach at the secondary level, in an IEP in Lima - Peru. Its specific objectives are to describe the characteristics that the emotional dimension of said bond presents and to identify the characteristics that its cognitive dimension presents as well. The approach is qualitative, descriptive level and employs a case study method. The information is collected through semi-structured interviews applied to tutor teachers and secondary students at a Waldorf school in Lima; as well as a non-participant observation applied to the art coordinator. The results indicate a close, reliable, secure, empathetic and motivating emotional bond. And a cognitive bond that accompanies the learning rhythms individually and in groups, giving them constant feedback. It is recommended to continue taking care of the characteristics that give identity to this approach and it is suggested to make improvements to be prepared, if in the future the use of this modality is considered again.
Palabras clave
Estudiantes y maestros--Relaciones, Método de Waldorf, Arte--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación a distancia, Educación secundaria--Investigaciones, Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020- --Educación
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