Brechas de ingresos laborales en el Perú urbano: una exploración de la economía informal
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Economía
La informalidad es un fenómeno ampliamente presente en la economía peruana, aunque con distintos matices. En el presente documento se explora la hipótesis de la segmentación laboral, descomponiendo las brechas de ingresos por trabajo usando una técnica no paramétrica propuesta por Ñopo (2004). Los resultados revelan que una parte considerable de las brechas de ingresos entre formales e informales de similar categoría de ocupación no se puede explicar por factores observables. Este hallazgo no permite refutar la hipótesis de la segmentación. Pese a ello, las brechas totales se han reducido durante la última década. El grupo de trabajadores independientes muestra tendencias opuestas a las del resto.
Informality is a phenomenon widely present in the Peruvian economy, although with different nuances in it. In this paper we explore the labor market segmentation hypothesis, by decomposing wage gaps using a non-parametric technique introduced by Ñopo (2004). The results show that about 35% of the wage gaps between formal and informal workers cannot be explained by observable factors. These findings do not allow to refute the segmentation hypothesis. Nevertheless, total gaps have narrowed over the past decade. The group of independent workers shows opposed trends in relation to other categories.
Informality is a phenomenon widely present in the Peruvian economy, although with different nuances in it. In this paper we explore the labor market segmentation hypothesis, by decomposing wage gaps using a non-parametric technique introduced by Ñopo (2004). The results show that about 35% of the wage gaps between formal and informal workers cannot be explained by observable factors. These findings do not allow to refute the segmentation hypothesis. Nevertheless, total gaps have narrowed over the past decade. The group of independent workers shows opposed trends in relation to other categories.
Palabras clave
Economía informal, Emparejamiento, Segmentación laboral
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