Nuevos cánones de arquitectura inka: investigaciones en el sitio de Tambokancha-Tumibamba, Jaquijahuana, Cuzco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
Recientes excavaciones en el complejo de Tambokancha por parte del Proyecto Peruano-Australiano Jaquijahuana han realizado notables descubrimientos de nuevos patrones de estructuras arquitectónicas inkas. El complejo, ubicado al oeste del Cuzco, está ubicado en una terraza aluvial y comprende enormes muros de mampostería de piedra y adobe, entre los que se encuentran grandes torreones y kallankas. Por fortuna no tiene evidencias de saqueo aunque sí se han desmontado sus bloques para usarlos en construcciones posteriores. Aún así, el sitio muestra una gran monumentalidad y es uno de los sitios inkas más atípicos en términos de su planificación y trazado. Destacan, entre sus características, una alineación en forma de "cruz", que atraviesa el núcleo del conjunto, mientras que el plano general es único, ya que tiene la forma de un tumi o cuchillo ceremonial.
New Canons on Inka Architecture: Field Research at Tambokancha-Tumibamba Site, Jaquijahuana, CuzcoRecent excavations at the Tambokancha Complex by the Peruvian-Australian Jaquijahuana Project have revealed valuable discoveries about new inka architectonic structural patterns. The archaeological complex, to the west of the city of cuzco, is located on an alluvial fan and consists of high walls with stone and adobe masonry. These structures include, for example, towers and kallankas. Fortunately, this site has not been looted, although the adobe and stone blocks of the walls were dismantled for later constructions. In spite of this, the site shows a great monumentality. Tambokancha is one of the most atypical Inka sites architecturally. Among the most impressive of its architectonic characteristics is a cross shaped alignment in the complex core and its tumi (ceremonial knife) shaped general plan.
New Canons on Inka Architecture: Field Research at Tambokancha-Tumibamba Site, Jaquijahuana, CuzcoRecent excavations at the Tambokancha Complex by the Peruvian-Australian Jaquijahuana Project have revealed valuable discoveries about new inka architectonic structural patterns. The archaeological complex, to the west of the city of cuzco, is located on an alluvial fan and consists of high walls with stone and adobe masonry. These structures include, for example, towers and kallankas. Fortunately, this site has not been looted, although the adobe and stone blocks of the walls were dismantled for later constructions. In spite of this, the site shows a great monumentality. Tambokancha is one of the most atypical Inka sites architecturally. Among the most impressive of its architectonic characteristics is a cross shaped alignment in the complex core and its tumi (ceremonial knife) shaped general plan.
Palabras clave
Arqueología, Inka, Tambokancha-Tumibamba, Nuevos Patrones Arquitectónicos, Archaeology, Inka, Tambokancha-Tumibamba, New Architectonic Patterns
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