Recepciones pragmatistas de Martin Heidegger
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
En el presente trabajo se hace un recorrido por la recepción norteamericanaen clave pragmatista de la obra de Heidegger. Se presentan sucintamentelas lecturas realizadas por Brandom y Ockrent, para luego concentrarse en laarticulación que hace Rorty del legado heideggeriano con la obra de Wittgensteiny de los pragmatistas clásicos, especialmente Dewey. La apropiación rortiana deHeidegger supone un compromiso antiesencialista, a nivel ilosóico y metailosóico,que requiere una serie de operaciones de lectura en relación, especialmente,con el último Heidegger, de difícil asimilación por parte de la tradición pragmatista.La tensión entre nostalgia e ironismo será una clave de dicha apropiacióny una oportunidad para pensar sus límites.
Pragmatist Receptions of Martin Heidegger”. This paper studies theAmerican Pragmatist reception of Heidegger’s thought. The article briely presentsBrandom’s and Okrent’s readings of Heidegger, paying attention afterwards toRorty’s articulation of the Heideggerian legacy with the work of Wittgensteinand classical Pragmatists, especially Dewey. Rorty’s appropriation of Heideggerassumes a philosophical and metaphilosophical anti-essentialist commitment.This commitment requires some reading operations in relation to the lastHeidegger, who cannot be easily assimilated by the Pragmatist tradition. Thetension between irony and nostalgia will be crucial for Rorty’s appropriation ofHeidegger’s thought.
Pragmatist Receptions of Martin Heidegger”. This paper studies theAmerican Pragmatist reception of Heidegger’s thought. The article briely presentsBrandom’s and Okrent’s readings of Heidegger, paying attention afterwards toRorty’s articulation of the Heideggerian legacy with the work of Wittgensteinand classical Pragmatists, especially Dewey. Rorty’s appropriation of Heideggerassumes a philosophical and metaphilosophical anti-essentialist commitment.This commitment requires some reading operations in relation to the lastHeidegger, who cannot be easily assimilated by the Pragmatist tradition. Thetension between irony and nostalgia will be crucial for Rorty’s appropriation ofHeidegger’s thought.
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