Bugallo, Lucila y Mario Vilca (comps.) (2016). Wak’as, diablos y muertos. Alteridades significantes en el mundo andino. San Salvador de Jujuy: Universidad Nacional de Jujuy-EDIUNJU-IFEA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo Editorial
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La obra W’akas, diablos y muertos plantea nuevas lecturas para comprender la presencia en los Andes de un amplio espectro de entidades y seres del otro mundo que interactúan con la población local. En esta reseña se destaca su pertinencia, así como el concepto de «fluidez» que maneja la mayor parte de los contribuyentes para caracterizar a las almas o supays, entre otros.
W’akas, devils and dead raises new readings to understand the presence in the Andes of a wide spectrum of entities and beings from the other world that interact with the local population. This review highlights its relevance, as well as the concept of "fluidity" that most collaborators handle to characterize souls or supays, among others.
W’akas, devils and dead raises new readings to understand the presence in the Andes of a wide spectrum of entities and beings from the other world that interact with the local population. This review highlights its relevance, as well as the concept of "fluidity" that most collaborators handle to characterize souls or supays, among others.
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